What it's like dating Dally

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-All the time, anytime

-He's really protective and will punch anyone who looks at you

-He loves when you dance, but hates when you dance with someone else

-If he gets jealous be prepared for rough sex with Dally

-He's more of a butt guy


-He tries to tell you you're beautiful but he knows you know that

-His favorite place to fuck is the drive-in

-He gets kinky sometimes

-He loves it when you get jealous

-He hates when you come home late 

-He gives you the silent treatment until you threaten to never have sex with him again. 

-He loves it when you scratch his back and give him hickies

-The look on his face when he says you're his girl

-Steamy visits when he's in prison

-Cute random dates 

-Shoplifted gifts

-He always says you're too good for him

-Most of the gang have walked on you two going at it ;)


So how is it???? Please leave comments for suggestions! Thanks sooooo much guys!!! -Hope xx

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