Darry Imagine PART 2

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A/n: If you haven't read the Darry Imagine before this one, it won't make sense. Please read the one before this first. 

"What the fuck." I said shocked. 

"He was gonna drown Pony, I couldn't let em get away with that, they were gonna beat me up too." Johnny said shaking. 

"Here take this." Dally said giving Johnny a loaded .45 and a wad of money. 

"Hop the freight to Windrixville. Get to the store and get enough food for a week. Go to the abandoned church on Jay Mountain. Don't as much stick your nose out of that place till me and y/n come and get you guys."Dally said to them in a stern tone. 

With that they were gone, two of the youngest guys in the gang had gotten themselves into a murder rap. 

(A/n: This part is not going to be time period correct because they have cell phones.)

As soon as they walked out of the front door at Buck's my phone started to ring.

Me: Hello

Darry: I'm sorry

Me: Don't give me that shit Daryl

Darry: Please I'm sorry be my girlfriend again

Me: I'm not gonna be your girl again. I don't love you. I don't love sitting at home alone all the time. I don't love you never taking me out or even appreciating all the things that I do for you. Stop calling me, I don't want to talk to you anymore, GOODBYE. 

I hung up and threw my phone at the wall in front of me.

"You okay?"Dally asked. 

"Yeah." I said taking in a deep breathe. 

"Well it looks like I'm homeless." I said leaning on the bed. 

"No you're not, you are gonna stay with me." Dally said. 

"Why is he such an as? I've been looking for a way to break up with him for a long time, but I never had a reason. You know he told me that he loved me awhile back?" I said.

"Really?" Dally questioned.

"Yeah. I couldn't say it back either." I said looking at Dally.

"Why can't I ever have a normal relationship that actually works. What is wrong with me. I know you don't wanna hear my shit, you probably think I'm an annoying bitch...." I said as I rambled on and on. 

"Hold up, you're not an annoying bitch y/n. You know I love you right?" Dally said giving me a hug. 

"I know, and I love you too." I said hugging him back. 

The next week was the worst week of my life. 

I got hauled into the station the day after Dally did. Luckily, we were both able to convince the cops that they were headed to Texas. 

They day after that I was at the store and the owner called the cops and said that I shoplifted, which I didn't. Dally came a bailed me out a few hours after I got booked. 

Later that morning we went to go and see Johnny and Pony. 

Johnny convinced us to let us take him back and turn himself in, Pony was happy to be going back home as well. 

Everything settled down after that. 

Right now me and Dal are hanging around his house. 

"You surprised me y/n." Dallas said breaking the silence.

"Why's that?" I asked. 

"I thought you would have been all moopey and sad and shit since you broke up with Darry." He said. 

"Dal, I didn't love him, at all. I'm not even sad about it if I'm being honest." I said sitting down on the couch with him. 

"What are you doing?" I asked as he started to lean closer to me. 

"Hold still, I want to try something." He whispered. 

He inched closer and closer until he kissed me. Soft and sweet. 

"Dallas...." I was speechless. 

"Will you be my girl?" He asked playing with his ring. 

"Yeah, of course Dally. I'd love too." I said smiling. 

As I said that, he slid his ring onto my finger. 

**Timehop to 3 years later**

You and Dallas are happy newlyweds who are expecting your first child in five months. 

The journey the two of you have faced has proved trying, but he would do anything to see you smile, and you would done anything to hear him laugh. 

That's what counts. 

A/n:Plot twist!!!!!!!!!

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