Sodapop Imagine

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"What the hell are you doing?!?" I yelled at Soda as he pulled the blankets off me. 

"It's time to get up!" he screamed. 

I rolled over and looked at the clock that was hanging on the wall, it read 7:37 A.M.

"It's not even 8:00." I said in an annoyed tone. 

"But do you know what day it is?" He asked sounding hopeful.

"No." I said rolling over and throwing a pillow over my head. 

"It's our 6 month anniversary!" He cheered. 

"So you wake me up this early why?" I said looking at him. 

"Because ROAD TRIP!" He yelled jumping up and down. 

"Road trip?" I asked sitting up. 

"Yeah, I'm taking you too Oklahoma City for four days!" He yelled once again. 

"Are you kidding?!?" I yelled and jumped up and kissed  him.

"Suprise!" He said smiling at me. 

Soda and I spent the whole morning packing and doing little things around the house. 

The drive to OKC (Oklahoma City) was just a little under two hours away, so it wasn't a big deal that we left pretty late in the afternoon. 

I hated car rides that were over 30 minutes, they bored me something terrible. 

So I slept the whole way there since there wasn't anything better to do.

The next few days were some of the best days of my life.

Most of the time we weren't doing anything that amazing, but it was perfect to me. 

The new that I received the last day that we were there nearly killed me. 

"Hey Hope, I need to tell you something." Soda said as he walked into the bedroom of the hotel. 

"Yeah?" I said facing him as I brushed my hair. 

"I've been trying to figure out how to tell you this for two weeks, but I couldn't figure it out." He went on.

"I got accepted to the army, I leave for Vietnam in four days." Sodapop said looking me over to see how I reacted. 

"Soda...."I managed to say before I grabbed him and hugged him. 

I sat on the bed and hugged him and cried for the next three hours.

After I finally calmed down we got in the car and headed home. 

That night he told the rest of the gang about his news. 

Everyone was really proud of him, but they were are very worried about him. 

I had four days left with him before he would leave for six months.

Those days flew by and we spent every minute together. 

The last night that we had together was the hardest, neither of us were able to sleep at all.

We were both terrified.

The next morning I drove him to the airport and watched him fly away in a plane to a total different country. 

*1 month later*

Dear Sodapop,

We all miss you so much, of course I miss you the most. I have some really big news too, I'm pregnant. There wasn't a better way to tell so I thought that this letter would be the best way. 

I thought that there would be way more to say, but now that I'm writing this I have no idea what to say.

Don't worry about me and the baby, we'll be okay until you get back.

I love you so much Soda.

Come home safe,


*4 months later*

Dally really stepped up and helped me out and gave me money all the time since Soda was gone. 

I think he felt bad that I didn't have anyone to help me, even though the gang helped me out alot.

It was a bright sunny morning and I was just finishing up on the nursery when I heard a knock on the door. 

I dropped what I was doing and walked to the door and opened it. 

There in front of me stood two uniformed army personnel.

"Are you Sodapop Curtis' fiancee?" They asked me in a formal tone.

"Yes." I answered.

"We regret to say that he died in combat.We are gravely sorry." They said and walked away.

With that, my world came crashing down.

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