What color he wants you to dye your hair

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Johnny: Johnny wouldn't want you to dye your hair because he loved you for you and didn't want you to change because he thought you were perfect they way that you were. 

Darry: Darry would want you to dye your hair whatever color that you would be confident in. Darry wasn't worried about what color your hair was.

Steve: Steve would want to dye your black. Right now your hair was blonde, don't get me wrong, Steve loved blonde's. He just thought that black hair was more edgy and way sexier. 

Two-bit: Two-bit would want you to dye your hair red. He liked your current hair color, which is black, he just wanted you to dye your hair bright red so that it would look like Minnie Mouse's red bow. 

Ponyboy: Ponyboy would want you to dye your hair blonde. He would want you to dye your hair blonde because he thought it would make you look even smarter than you already were. 

Sodapop: Sodapop would want you to dye your hair auburn brown. He really didn't have a reason, he just thought that it would make you look even prettier than you already were. 

Dally: Dallas would want you to dye your hair teal. Dally would want you to dye your hair teal because he thought that it matched your personality, careless and free. 

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