Dallas Imagine

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"Trent! You promised me that you wouldn't drink!" I said screaming and taking his flask. 

He just rolled his eyes.

"Calm down, I only had a sip." 

You have got to be kidding me. 

"A sip? The flask is empty! I don't think you understand that I will not go out with you when you drink!" I screamed. 

"Shut up bitch." Trent yelled and slapped me right across the right cheek.  

After he slapped me I didn't say anything, I just walked away and grabbed a seat at the other side of the drive in, far away from him.

I grabbed a seat in an empty row and sat back trying to watch the movie and distract myself from the stinging sensation of my cheek. 

"Hey, you okay?" Asked a real good looking dark haired fair skinned boy with a New York accent. 

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said turning back to watch the movie. 

"No you're not." The strange boy said bluntly. 

I rolled my eyes, I can't believe him. 

"Excuse me?" I questioned. 

"I saw him hit you, there's no way that you're okay." He said taking a seat next to me. 

"Who are you?" I asked becoming more and more curious. 

He just smirked and stared at me. 

"Im Dallas. Dallas Winston." He said smiling. 

"I'm Hope. Hope Fadiga." I said in response to him. 

"Was that your boyfriend back there?" He asked motioning toward Trent.

"Yeah, that's him." I said rolling my eyes. 

"Well let me say that you could do way better than him." He said kinda laughing. 

"Thanks Dally." I said rolling my eyes. 

"How'd you know to call me Dally?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"I've heard of you. I'm good friends with Two-bit and Buck." I explained. 

"Ah, I see." He said. 

"Why don't I walk you home?" He asked. 

"Well, that'd be great, but I live with Trent." I said sinking into my chair.

"You've got to be kidding me." He said staring at me. 

"He probably won't be home tonight since we got in a fight." I said getting out of my seat and walking toward the exit. 

"Why are you with him?" Dallas asked me.

"I'm too scared to leave him. I don't have anywhere to go. I know Buck would let me crash there, but I'm scared to be alone. I've been alone my whole life. My mother was a dead beat and my old man doesn't give two shits if I'm dead in a ditch." I explained. 

"Same here. I mean with my parents and all." Dallas added. 

We walked to my house talking about anything and everything. Dally is real good company, I could get use to him fast. 

Why can't I ever date a guy like him? 

"Well, this is my stop." I said walking up to the porch. 

"Hold up, I'm not leaving you alone. I'll spend the night. I'll sleep on the couch." Dallas insisted. 

I nodded and let him in the house. 

"Excuse the mess. Not only is Trent an asshole, he's also a slob." I said picking up some clothes that were on the floor. 

"Well if I'm such an asshole, why are you dating me?" Trent yelled walking our from the kitchen. 

"I wish I wasn't." I yelled back. 

"Fine. We're done. Get your shit and get out!" He yelled. 

I ran to our room and packed my clothes in a bag.

"Where are you gonna go?" Dallas asked sneaking up behind me. 

"I don't know. All I know is that I can't live with him anymore. 

Dallas didn't say anything while I kept packing. It looked like he was thinking about something really hard. 

Ten minutes later Dallas and I were standing out on the sidewalk in the moonlight with two duffel bags by my side. 

"I have enough money for a hotel." I said breaking the silence. 

"Forget that, you can come live at my house if you want. It's just me there and it's an awful big house." Dally explained picking up one of my bags.

"Are you sure?" I said picking up the other bag. 

"I insist." Dally said smiling. 

"Thank-you so much!" I said dropping my bag and giving him a hug. 

*Time skip*

Over the next few days I settled into my new home. I even started to make more friends and get a job. 

About four days after moving in with Dallas he got the courage to ask me out on a date. He claimed that he fell in love with me the moment he saw me at the movies. 

Our date ending up not going as planned but it was still really fun. 

The next day he asked me to be his girl. Of course I said yes. 

This has proved to be one the best couple weeks in my life. 

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