Dallas Imagine Part 3

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I hadn't told anyone that I was on my way home, so when the plane landed at the airport, I was surrounded by happy families who were ready to greet their loved ones.

I went to claim my bags and picked up my car from the storage spot that I had rented before I left.

As I drove to my house, I was overjoyed to see some of the things that use to bore me, like the DX station that Sodapop and Steve worked at.

I pulled my car in the driveway and put in in park. I grabbed my bags out of the bag seat and sifted through my purse for my house keys, come to find that they were buried at the bottom because it had been so long since I had been home.

I unlocked the door and as soon as it opened I was greeted by the scent of Dallas' cologne, which meant that he had been staying here.

I walked into the living room and sat my my purse down, grabbed my bags and lugged them up the stairs.

I threw the door open and threw my bags down.

When I looked up at the bed, my eyes met his.

"Hope?" Dallas said jolting awake.

"Dallas?" I replied with tears brimming my eyes.

"Hey, calm down." Dallas said reaching his arms out and pulling me close to him.

"I'm sorry, I really am." I said after I started to calm down.

"It's fine, I'm just glad that you're back, I missed you." Dallas said to me, looking straight in my eye.

"You must've really missed me, looks like you've been staying here for weeks." I said looking at all of his dirty clothes that were thrown on the floor.

"Yeah I really did, I've been sleeping here since you left me that message right after you left." He said looking sad.

"Hey, I'm sorry." I said over and over again.

"So do you still want to be my girl, because I know that I still want to be your guy." He asked me in a very serious tone.

"I for sure still want to be your girl. If being away taught me anything, it's that I can't be happy when you're not around." I said smiling.

"Um I also saw your Dad." I said quietly.

"Yeah?" He asked and I could tell that he was trying to not sound annoyed when I brought up his dad.

"I knew that I shouldn't have brought it up, do you have any idea how scared I was when I ran into him. Last time I saw him he beat me to a bloody pulp." I said trying not to raise my voice.

After he saw that I wasn't going to take his crap, he softened his tone of voice.

"Did he hurt you?"Dallas asked me in a concerned tone of voice.

"No, but he thought that you hurt me because of how upset I looked." I explained.

I could tell that Dallas was very angry, but I was able to keep him from getting to mad.

I explained to him what John and I had talked about, but I wasn't able to spit out what John had wanted me to tell him, I just couldn't do it.

"Why'd you even come back? You realize that we all thought you were never coming back?" Dallas asked me trying to avoid eye contact with me, which told me that he was mad at me.

"Wow, of you wanted me to stay gone, maybe you should I have said that when I called you from New York." i said raising my voice.

"Hey, don't make me out to be the bad guy, you're the one that walked out on me." Dallas said in a harsh tone.

I can't believe that this whole thing had turned into an argument

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