What he would say to cheer you up

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Dally: "You know I love you right? I'd do anything for you, you're my girl. My one and only girl forever."

Dally always had a hard time telling you how he felt about you. Although he could not handle seeing you sad. He never knew how to cheer you up, so he made sure that you knew how important you were to him. He would not ever leave your side when you were sad because he did not want you to feel alone. 

Dally would never admit it, but he was a total softy around you, and the whole gang knew it.

Sodapop: "Do you need a bear hug?"

Sodapop would always give you one of his famous hugs whenever you were feeling down. Sodapop would set up the t.v. and watch movies and cuddle all day in bed. 

Sodapop never really knew how to care for you when you were feeling down, but he did his best to understand and to help you. 

Darry: He wouldn't say anything. He would just know when you felt down. 

He would make you your favorite foods and rent your favorite movies and spend the day with you. 

You loved how you never had to say anything, he just always knew how to take care of you. 

Johhny: "Do you need to talk?"

Johnny never thought that he had much to offer, but you knew that, that was not true. 

He would always be open to talk about whatever was a making you sad, even if it made him feel awkward. 

Whenever you talked to Johnny, when you left you always felt one thousand times better, no matter what. 

Steve: "Sweetheart, what's wrong?"

Steve would always be open to talk to you. 

He would also like to lay in bed and cuddle while you talked about why you were feeling sad. 

Steve loved how open you were to him.

Two-bit: He was always really sensitive, he would say something like "Baby, why are you sad?"

He hated seeing you sad, it made him sad when you were sad. 

One time when you were crying he started to cry as well because he was so upset seeing you cry.

Two-bit loved you so much that it killed him when you were sad. 

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