Johnny Imagine for @dally_ponyboy_johnny

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A/n: This is a Johnny Imagine for @dally_ponyboy_johnny  I hope you enjoy!!! 

It was an average day at your house, the Curtis house to be exact. Being the third oldest Curtis has its perks, even though your brothers were very over protective of you. 

At the moment, you were walking to the Dingo for lunch with your best friend Dally. And yes, if you're thinking, Dallas Winston, the answer is yes. I've never understood why that is so shocking to people, Dally is a pretty cool ol' guy once you get to know him. 

"Hey, Kaykay? Can I ask you something?" Dally said as he pulled a smoke out of his pocket and handed me one in the process. 

"Sure man, shoot." I said pulling a lighter out of my pocket and lighting up the cancer stick. 

"Don't you dare tell Johnny that I told you this, but he really likes you, and he is way to scared to ask you out." Dally said taking a drag out of his cig halfway through the sentence. 

I just stood there, with the blankest look one my face, I had no idea what to think. I mean, I would've never thought of Johnny having a crush on me, never in a million years. 

"Kaykay, you alright?" Dal said waving his hand in front of my face.

"Oh, um yeah, I'm fine." I said finishing my smoke. 

"That's good cause Johnny is waiting at the Dingo for us, he wants to eat lunch with you." Dally said smirking. 

"You're such an ass, I can't believe you sometimes." I said lightly punching his arm.

Lunch at the Dingo was really laid back. Towards the end, Dally split leaving just you and Johnny. Eventually Johnny asked you out, and of course you said yes!

You never would have thought that this day would ever come. This was, the happiest day of your life! 

A/n: I am going to apologize so much because this was really bad!! It's so short ughhhhhhh, I hate me sometimes. 

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