Habbits in bed (non-sexual....kinda)

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A/n: So, it has been  a while since I have updated. I am really sorry about that too. I will try to update more often.


-He would always steal the blanket

-He would try to steal your pillow

-He was never really good at sharing the bed either

-He would always lay in a weird spot

-He was a really deep sleeper, so you always pushed him off the bed

-He would always cuddle up to you whenever he fell asleep

-He looked younger when  he was sleeping


-He rolls out of bed sometimes

-He would kick the blanket off the bed all the time

-He always went to bed at the same time that you did

-He hates to sleep by himself

-He always sleeps with the teddy bear that Dally gave him when he was in the hospital

-He could never fall asleep when you weren't home

-He would not be a bed hog at all


-He would always want to sleep really close to you

-He loves to spoon you to sleep

-He liked to be the little spoon

-He would cuddle the whole night

-He loved sharing a pillow

-He liked to sleep on the couch with you on top of him


-I feel like he is a basic sleeper and doesn't do anything weird

-Who knows maybe he has a weird sleep fetish


-Lets face it he would get random boners whenever you spent the night at his house

-He loved to snuggle up to you

-Forget having a big bed, because he would always be close to you

-He loved it when you would watch him sleep

-He always slept wearing a Mickey shirt

-He would always get horny when he was tired

-He cusses in his sleep

-By far the strangest person you'll ever see sleeping


-He would always want to cuddle

-If you fell asleep before him he would always cuddle extra close to you

-He would always make sure the you had enough room

-He would be okay of you hogged the blanket

-He is perfectly okay with being uncomfortable, as long as your comfortable

-Atleast four blankets were needed for him to sleep

-A ton of pillows too

-He would be really sweet whenever he is sleepy

-He had a natural sleepy personality 


-Dally loved to sleep

-Dally looked so cute whenever he was sleeping

-Lets face it, sleeping was his favorite hobby next to sex and rodeos

-Dally could sleep wherever

-Dally could sleep at anytime of day

-He would always be really handsy when you spent the night with him

-Most likely would get a boner every time you brushed against him

-He's a big softie when he is tired

-He's just a big softie around you in general 

-He would always want to cuddle before he went to sleep

-If you weren't cuddling before he fell asleep, he would move to cuddle you while sleeping

-Lets face it, you broke bad boy Dallas Winston out of his shell

A/n: This update to forever to write. I have writers block so bad right now and my mind isn't in the best place . I will try to update when I have more motivation and a better sense of worth. Thanks for hanging in there guys!

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