Dally Imagine Part 2

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I hadn't seen the gang since yesterday and I was not prepared to tell everyone what happened last night. I decided that the longer I waited the harder it would be to tell them. 

It was still pretty early in the day and I had plenty of time before I needed to get ready to go out with Dally tonight. 

I wanted to call it a date but I didn't really know what it was to be honest. 

I walked into the Curtis house in hopes that everyone would be there. Luckily everyone was, except for Dallas. 

"Hey guys!" I yelled because I didn't know where anyone was. 

"In here!" I heard someone yell from the living room.

Before I could even get a word out Two-bit brought up the small cut that was on my cheek from the soc last night.

"What's that cut from Hope?" Two-bit asked as he rubbed his thumb across it making me flinch.

"I got jumped last night." I said bluntly. 

"That's it, you're never walking home alone again." Soda screamed getting up off the couch.

"Woah woah woah calm down you never let me tell the whole story." I said making everyone stop talking. 

"I know when I started hanging with you guys you said that Dallas wasn't the best company sometimes. But he saved me, those Soc's were gonna rape me and Dally saved me." I explained.

After I told everyone that they all breathed a sigh of relief. 

"Dally always protects what's his. You know he's always liked you and had a soft spot for you." Two-bit explained taking a swig of his beer.

"Well I guess that's good, because I'm going out with him tonight." I said.

The room erupted with yelling, but in a good way. 

"Guys I gotta go, I'll catch y'all later." I said getting up.

"Have fun tonight, don't forget to fasten your condom. Um I mean seat belt." Soda said laughing. 

I just smirked and walked out the door.

Boy was I excited for tonight. 

I spent the whole next few hours getting ready, which may have seemed overkill, but I was super excited and I wanted to make Dally feel like he was going out with a pretty girl and not a walking breathing trashcan. 

I got so torn up into getting ready that I didn't realize it was five to 7 and that someone had just rung the doorbell. 

I threw on my shoes and ran downstairs to see who it was.

To my surprise it was Dallas, and he was five minutes early.

"Hey, you look great." I said opening the door. 

Dallas didn't say anything he just looked at me up and down for a good few seconds.

"You look beautiful." Dally said smiling.

"Awe, thank-you, but I really don't." I said blushing. 

"No, you do. I'm not going to let you degrade yourself either, so don't even try." Dally said firmly.

"So what are we doing?" I asked grabbing my purse and walking out the door. 

"Well I was thinking we could grab a bite somewhere and then maybe catch a movie, or if there is something else you want to do we can do that instead." Dally said as he opened the door of his car so I could get in. 

"That sounds like a great plan." I told Dally after he got in the car.

"If you don't mind me asking, were are your parents?"Dallas asked as he drove to a small diner right outside of town.

"It's fine, I don't know were my mom is but my dad is in New York probably drunk in the street somewhere." I said fiddling with my purse.

"Hey, I'm sorry, you didn't have to answer." Dally said feeling bad. 

"Nah, its fine, as far as I'm concerned he don't exist. What about your parents?" I asked 

"Same as yours, my dad is also in New York. Are you from there?" Dally asked while he parked the car in a parking spot.

"Yeah I am. You?" I asked curious.

"I actually am!" Dallas said surprised that I was also from New York.

The diner that Dallas picked was one that I hadn't been to before. It was right outside of town and fairly small and their was nobody there.

As soon as we walked in the door, we were greeted by a older lady who sat us at a booth towards the back of the diner.

"This is really nice." I said breaking the silence as I overlooked my menu.

"I'm glad you like it. What are you getting?" Dally asked thinking through the menu.

"I think I'm going to get a cheeseburger and a milkshake." I said pushing my menu aside and looking up at him.

"I think I'll get that too." Dally said also putting his menu down.

A few minutes later our waitress came over and took our order.
This time the waitress was way younger and very focused on flirting with Dally which made me very uncomfortable.
To my surprise he didn't flirt back at all, he pretty much just ignored her.

"What a bitch, she could clearly tell we were on a date and she flirted with me." Dallas said clearly getting annoyed and angry.

Date. He said that we were on a date.

"Did you say date?" I said smirking.

"Date dinner whatever you want to call it." Dally said blushing.

"It's a date. And by the way you're adorable when you blush." I said laughing.

"Oh hush." He said laughing.

We sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes before Dallas broke the silence.

"You know, me and you have a lot in common." Dally said matter of fact tone.

"Yeah I know, I'm really sorry for blocking you out of my life." I said starting to feel bad again.

"Hey, don't worry about it, we're good now." Dally said reaching across the table and grabbing my hand.

We were interrupted by the waitress carrying our food.

We sat and ate our food and carried on a conversation.
And hour or so later we got up to pay and of course it was the flirty one who was checking us out.

After Dallas paid for the food he lost it.

He started to scream at her and he eventually took his arm and pushed everything off the counter and stormed out the door.
I rushed out after him,but I made sure not to say anything because that would just make everything worse.

"I'm sorry." Dallas said when we for in his car.

"How about we go back to my house and watch movies and hang. I think we'd be more comfortable." I suggested.

"That sounds like a great idea." Dally said calming down.

A/n: Sorry for the late update but there will be a part 3!!!!!

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