Preference: What you do in your free time

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Dally: You and Dally like to go to the nightly double whenever you can both get away from work. Even though you almost never get to watch the movie because Dally is distracting you, you enjoy the time that the two of you get to spend together without the gang around. Most of the time you end up falling asleep before the movie is over so Dally drives you back to your house and carries you to bed and spends the rest of the night sleeping next to you. 

Ponyboy: Whenever Ponyboy isn't stuck doing his school work, he loves to go to the park with you. Most of the time the two of you end up talking about life in general and how badly you're parents treat you. "I love you, you know that right?" Is something that he often asks you when you're feeling down about life. 

Johnny: Free time isn't a problem for you and Johnny. You two are together almost all the time. The gang thought it was adorable how you two were together so much,

Sodapop: Soda loved to spoil you. Even though he didn't have much money, he always found a way to show you how much he loved you. When he wasn't working at the DX Station he would take you out to dinner and a movie in the evening after he got off of work. 

Darry: Darry feels bad about never getting to spend time with you because he works all the time. Whenever he isn't playing​ a fatherly rile for Ponyboy and Sodapop he loves to spend the night in with you, make you dinner and lay in bed and watch movies with you. And of course cuddle 😉

Steve: When Steve isn't​ working at the DX station he likes to hangout with you and the rest of the gang. He always makes sure that you know how much you mean to him and that you always know that he doesn't want to ever be with anyone else.

Two-bit: The two of you are normally attached at the hip. Where you go, Two-bit goes and vice versa. Every so often he likes to take you somewhere special, new, and exciting to show how much he cares about you. Most of the time his plans don't go as they were supposed too, but his intentions are always in a good place.

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