How you meet part 2

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Darry: You hired a private company to do the roof on your house because it was leaking really bad. Early in the morning one lone guy showed up to do the roof, his name was Darry. He was really nice and explained exactly what he was doing and about how long it would take him. Darry had been working on the roof for about three hours and then you heard a loud thud on the front porch. You ran outside and saw that Darry had slipped and fell of the roof. You helped him up and got him to your car so that you could take him to the hospital. Even though he said that he was fine, you could tell that he had broken a rib and maybe his arm. When you got him to the hospital you checked him in and he gave you his ID card and told you to call the numbers that were on the card. You called both of the numbers on the card and explained what had happened. You sat in the waiting room for a few hours by yourself. A large group of guys walked in that were looking for Darry. You got up and explained to them what had happened. You sat for awhile and talked with all of them. You learned that they were not any different than you, especially with parents. You had to steal your parents drug money to fix the roof. Within a matter of a day, you had earned 7 close friends. 

Johnny: One day you were walking back home but on the way you walked by a boy who was laying on the ground a badly beaten. You stopped to try and help him but he was too heavy for you to carry. He pointed towards a house and told you too go and ask them for help. You ran over to the house and knocked on the door frantically. A elfish look boy answered the door and asked what was wrong. I didn't know how to explain, so I grabbed his arm and led him over to the boy who got beat up. I guess they knew each other because the elfish looking boy, who I later found out was Dallas, started to cuss under his breathe. I helped him carry him back to the house and help to patch him up, since Dallas wasn't sure what to do. I got to talk to Dal a lot because Johnny, the boy who got beat up was passed out. Dallas was good company for a stranger and I was glad that I got to meet him. Eventually Johnny woke up and we got to talking, I told him that I had to get home before my dad cause he would beat me up if I wasn't. Before I left Johnny gave me his number and told me to call him because he wanted to take me out on a date. Sort of a thank-you for helping him. I took his number and ran out the door and hoped that my dad wouldn't beat me too bad for being late. 

Ponyboy: Every so often you and Ponyboy would get partnered up for different things at school. One time it was for a huge project that needed to be done in school and out of school. When you found this out you were really embarrassed because your parents were abusive and did not let  you have anyone over at the house. You explained this to him and he did not judge you at all. You ended up going to his house a lot to work on the project and eventually met the gang. At first you were really scared to meet the gang because most of the time people ask where your bruises come from, and you really hate to explain where they come from. You were so happy when nobody asked you, besides Dally. Dally pulled you aside and asked you if you were okay. After you told him about the situation you were in, he said that you were welcome at his house if you ever needed to get away from your parents. You found it funny that everyone was shocked that you were 17 and working with Ponyboy, who was 14. You see, Ponyboy was taking and AP Science class that was for Juniors not Freshmens. A few weeks later, and some overnight stays at Dallas' house, Ponyboy asked you out on a date. You said that you would go but you didn't want anything serious because you were older than him.

Steve: You were hanging out with Two-bit who was your cousin. He said that he was going to take you out with the gang today. You were super excited because he had always said that they really wanted to meet you. You were walking over to the Curtis house which wasn't far from your house. When you got there you fell in love with how close everyone was. Two took you around and introduced you too everyone. After a while he left your side and let you talk to whoever you wanted to. You sat and talked to Steve for a few hours and you guys really hit it off. He asked if you wanted to go to a movie with him that night and of course you said yes. You eventually worked your way around the group and got  a chance to talk to everyone. You were so glad that Two-bit finally introduced you to his giant group of friends, because you finally found a group of great people that would not ever judge you for your past. This was the most life changing moments of your life. 

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