Two-bit Matthews

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A/n: Please message me request for imagines or preferences!!!

"Two-bit, you've got to stop this or it's gonna end up killing!" 

You screamed at you're boyfriend of 2 years, Keith "Two-bit" Matthews.

He had a drinking problem, and he knew that it would catch up with him but that was never enough for him to stop. Two-bit knew that I couldn't stand to see him drink. For good reason too, he knew that my dad died from drinking. 

"Just forget it, I'm leaving." I screamed running out the door and making sure to slam it to get my point across. 

"Y/n, stop please dome back!" Two-bit yelled from the porch

I kept walking, I knew that if I went back he would never stop. It would keep happening, a constant never ending circle. 

I walked for about twenty minutes before I really thought about where I was going to go. I could always go to the Curtis house, I thought to myself. I mentally crossed that off because that house is packed enough as it is. Well, I guess I'll head over to Dally's place.

Don't get me wrong, he's not a last resort. He's my best friend. I just feel really bad, I always go to him when I have problems. But he seems to be the only person that seems to understand and give good useful advice.

"Here I am.. again" I thought to myself.

This was the third time this week that I had fled to Dallas's run down home to get away from Two-bit. 

I took in a deep breathe and walked up the creaky steps and knocked on the old wooden door. 

A few seconds later, a shirtless Dally with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth answered the door. 

"Hey Y/n, come on in." He said stepping aside to let me come inside. 

I walked over to the couch and sat down, saying nothing, just staring blankly at the wall. 

"Are you okay?" Dally asked taking a seat next to me on the couch.  

"Honestly, no, I'm not. I can't handle this anymore Dal." I said looking down at my feet.

"Is it Two again?" Dallas asked.

"Yeah it's him. I've got break it off Dallas...."

"Are you sure that's what you want to do?" Dally asked putting his arm on my shoulder trying to comfort me. 

"It's the only thing that will get through to him. If I don't do this, he will never see this as a problem. I've gotta do this in person though. Can you drive me over there?" I asked getting up off the couch heading towards the door. 

"Sure thing." He said throwing a shirt over his head and grabbing his car keys as he walked out of the door with following behind him. 

The ride to mine and Two-bits house was very silent. Every so often Dally would ask if I really wanted to do this. Every-time the answer was the same, yes. 

When Dally pulled up in front of the house, there were two cop cars parked out front. 

'Shit' I said jumping out of the car that was not yet completely stopped. 

When I ran in the house I saw Two-bit in the corner pointing a gun at two police officers who were also pointing a gun at him. 

"M'am you can't be in here now." One of the officers said to me. 

I didn't care, I pushed past them and ran over to Two-bit and wrapped my arms around him.

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have walked out."

The cops gave us a few minutes before they took Two-bit away to the station. Boy was I glad that I came back in time. 

--600 words--

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