Dallas Imagine

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"Dallas, it's over. I can't do this anymore." I said with tears streaming down my face and shaky hands.

"Well fuck you too." Dallas yelled trying to hold back tears. Grabbing his leather jacket, he looked back at me for the last time, he reached around his neck and took off his dog tags and sat them on the table by the front door. 

I sat on the couch for a good ten minutes in dead silence, drowning myself in my own tears. I finally gathered myself together enough to start packing my things for my flight that was in three hours. 

I gathered up all of my important things including pictures and small mementos and put them into my carry on bag. I ran upstairs and grabbed the suitcase that had all my things out of my closet in it. 

I picked up the two bags that I had and walked towards the front door. Before I walked out I took one last look before I walked out. 

All of the memories came rushing back to me and played out right in front of me. The time Soda smashed his head into my coffee table and shattered it, the spot of plaster on the wall where Dallas punched a hole in the wall, and the blood stain on the carpet from when I gave Two-bit a busted lip.  

I smiled to myself, made sure to lock the door and set the alarm and walked out to my car. 

I loaded the small amount of bags that I had and pulled out of my driveway taking one last glance at the freshly painted gray and white home that Dallas and I use to live in and drove off towards the airport.

Luckily I was able to board the plane to New York within five minutes of being at the airport. 

When I boarded the plane that is when everything hit me, I was leaving and I told nobody and why I am leaving.

I looked beside me and sae that there was a phone so I decided to call my grandma.

"Hey gran, I just got on the plane, I'll be there in a few hours." I said over the phone.

"Sweetie, you didn't need to come. You're Daddy barely remembered you and he certainly won't now. Look honey, I'm sorry, I know what you're going through." She said to me. 

"I know, but he's dieing and I haven't seen him in ten years." I said with tears brimming my eyes.

"I'll see you in a few hours honey." My grandma said before she hung up. 

I tried to get some sleep but I couldn't. My mind kept going back to the way that I left Dallas. I was shook out of my thoughts by a lady announcing over the intercom that we had landed.

I got of the plane and walked over to the baggage claim area where I grabbed my bags. I pushed my way through a crowd of people to exit of the terminal. 

I walked outside to the a line of cabs waiting for people to get in. I walked to the first empty one and gave the driver the address.

I admired the scenes around me, they had changed so much since I left, it almost made me regret leaving, until I remembered why I left.

Before I knew I was at my grandmas house. I reached in my purse to pay the driver but I was stopped.

"Don't worry about it, I can tell you've had a rough day." The driver said stopping me from paying him. 

I thanked him grabbed my bags, and walked up to the house. 

When I walked through the front door to see my grandma standing there ready to greet me.

We sat in the living room a talked for an hour or so about what I had been up to in the past few years. 

"How is Dallas?" She asked me changing what we were talking about. 

"Um he's okay." I said trying to sound normal.

 She just nodded and walked into the kitchen to tend to the cookies that she had put in the oven before I got here.

"Hey, can I use the phone?" I asked her.

"Of course." She said smiling back at me.

I walked over to the phone and dialed Dallas' number.

*ring ring ring*


Dallas it's me, Hope. I'm sorry about the way I left. 

I'm not there so don't even bother trying to look for me when you get this.

I went to New York but I can't tell you why because you would kill me if you knew why.

I love you Dallas Winston, I never stopped. 

I really hope you can find it in yourself to forgive me one day, because I don't think that I will ever be able to.

Please don't tell any of the gang about where I am because you know they'll come looking for me.

Keys to the house are in the mailbox, stay there whenever.

I love you so much Dallas, please always remember that. 


I felt much better after I left the message, I hoped Dally would listen to it.

"Sweetie, you never told him why you left, did you?" She said rubbing my back. 

"I couldn't, it was too hard." I explained.

"Come along, we're gonna go see your daddy." She said grabbing her purse and keys. 

We drove to the hospital where my dad was, it was much closer than I thought, only a few blocks.

We walked in silence to the room that my dad was in.

"He's in there, go on in." She said pointing to a room in front of us.

I slowly walked toward the door and stopped before I opened it, I took a deep breathe, not being sure what I was walking into. 

I walked in to see him sitting there watching t.v.

He stopped to look over at mae, taking a double take to make sure that he was actually seeing me. 

"Hope, I I I don't know what to say." He said with shock written all over his face.

"Just forgive me." I pleaded.

"No, forgive me. I was a terrible father. You had every right to leave." he explained to me. 

We sat there, in his hospital room for the next few hours talking about what I've done since I left New York. 

"How's Dal?" He asked out of the blue.

"Why does everyone keep asking that?" I yelled sounding annoyed. 

"I take it you two had a fight because he didn't want you to go to New York?"

"Yep" I said in agreement. 

"Not to cut this short but I need to go, I'll be by tomorrow." I said walking out of the door. 

"I'm going to walk home, I'll see you later."I said walking past my grandma. 

I chose to walk home because there were a few places that I wanted to hit on my way back. 

I was walking on a fairly empty sidewalk when I heard someone yell my name, I turned around to see who it was.

"I thought that was you." The strange said as I turned around to see who they were. 

"John Winston." I said slowly. 

This just got bad. 

A/n: So this is going to be another three or four part thing. I don't know why I keep doing this but I'm sure you guys don't mind having even more stuff to read.

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