He's gets arrested

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I can't believe Dallas sometimes. We were yet another argument, but this time he started it not me. It all started cause I ran into one of my old friends from highschool and Dal thought I was flirting with im. 

"Hope, please come back and we can just talk about it." Dallas yelled at me from the porch as I continued to walk down the street. 

"No, I'm done. There isn't a fucking thing to talk about." I yelled back at him then flipped him off and kept walking. 

This is so stupid I thought to myself as I kept walking to the Curtis house. I reached in my back pocket to pull out a smoke but then realized I had none cause I gave the last one to Dal. Little prick. The Curtis house was finally in sight.

They're super cool so the door is always open.

"Hey guys." I said as I walked in the house. 

"Hey Hope, where's Dal?" Soda asked in his normal happy go lucky tone.

"Don't get me started on that fucking ass." I said rolling my eyes.

"So I take it y'all got in another fight?" Darry asked walking in from the kitchen.

"Yep." I said letting out an annoyed sigh and sitting back. 

"I don't get why I even try or why he even tries anymore. God, I feel like he doesn't even love me." I said almost whispered the last part.

"Hey, you know that ain't true. He loves ya more than anyone. I just think he's having a hard time with seeing that he's in love. It's hard for him." Soda said trying to be understanding. 

"Hey everyone, dinner's ready. Hope, you're welcome to stay." Darry announced. 

We were all about half way through dinner when the phone rang.

Darry got up to answer it.

"Hello?" Darry said into the phone.

"Hey Darry, it's Dallas. I'm calling from the police station." Dallas replied.

"Are you kidding me? What'd you do?" Darry asked.

"I smart mouthed a cop. Beside the point can ya bail me out?"

"Yeah someone will be there in ten minutes." Darry said as he slammed the phone. 

"Well looks like Dallas managed to get himself arrested." Darry said smirking at me.

"What are you looking at me for?" I snapped at Darry.

"You know where Dally's cash stash is, right?" He questioned. 

"Yeah, why. Wanna bail him out with his own cash?" I said laughing. 

"You dig?" Darry said.

"Sounds great to me. Who wants to drive me?" I said getting outta my chair. 

"I will." Soda said pushing in his chair. 

Soda drive me to Dallas' house so I could grab the money we needed. In what seemed like no time we. Soda parked in the firelane and turned the car off.

"Do you want me to go in with you in nah?" Soda asked turning to face me.

"Nah don't worry about it. Just wait here I'll be back in a couple minutes." I said getting out of the car.

I walked into the police station without a sweat. I've been in this place many times before, one thing was different about this time though. I was bail someone out, not the other way around. 

"Hi, I'd like to post bail for Dallas Winston." I said to the young man at the desk. 

"Of course, no problem. He'll be out in a minute. You can wait over there." He said pointing to a small waiting area. 

A few minutes later Dallas was strolling out from the holding room. His same confident stride as always. 

"Hey man, I um wasn't expecting you to um yeah um be here." He stuttered out as we walked out of the door. 

"Well here I am." I said in an annoyed tone.

When I got in the car, I made sure that Soda could sense that he shouldn't say anything. Luckily he caught on and didn't say anything.

"Well, you know I was gonna say sorry but since you caved and bailed me out I assume I'm forgiven." He said in a cocky tone.

"Don't get wise Dally, that was your money I bailed you out with." I said equally retuning the same tone of voice you had used on me. 

"Hey um guys we're at the house so im gonna get out and let you guys work this out." Sodapop said as he got out of the car. 

As soon as Soda was gone, Dally got in the front seat and turned to face me. 

"So you went in my stash to bail me out?" He asked.

"Yeah I did." I said hoping he wasn't to mad.

"That's fine." He said getting really quiet. 

"What's happening Dallas? What's happening with us?" I asked sounding really hurt.

He didn't say anything, he just sat there saying nothing. Like he always did. 

"Yeah, that's what I thought." I said in tears.

I was about to get out of the car when he grabbed my hand.

"Don't leave me, I'm sorry. Its just... I've been killing myself lately, trying to talk myself out of not being in love with you, but I can't. Please don't leave. I ....I love you." He said shedding a single tear. 

"I love you to Winston." I said smiling and gave him a kiss.


Thanks for the few reads I have!! Y'all are amazing! Thanks so much!- Hope xx

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