What he likes about you

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Two-bit: You're laugh. He loves the way you laugh at his terrible jokes. You're very easy to make laugh and when you do, oh boy, you could cheer up a whole room. He loves to do and say stupid things just to hear you laugh. Sometimes he'll start to tickle you if he doesn't have anything funny to say and he wants to hear you laugh. 

Darry: How kind you are. Darry would love how kind you are too him. This is such a big deal to him because he doesn't have many people in his life. He loves how easy going you are with the gang no matter what. Darry also loves that you understand the important role that he plays in both Sodapop and Ponyboy's life. 

Johnny: How understanding you are. He loves that he can talk to you about his parents and how you don't judge him. You're the one person that he can always count on too be there for him no matter what is happening in his home life. He knows that you would never judge him for the life he is forced to live and he loves you for that. You're his safe haven that he knows he'll always have.

Ponyboy: You're advice. You're a few years older than him and he loves having you around to give him advice on things that he has never done before. He loves having you around when he experiences his first time doing something. You're always an open ear that has an open mind and an open heart. He loves how smart you are when he is acting stupid. You're his right hand, his go to. 

Sodapop: You're sense of humor. You were always able to cheer him up no matter what. When you walked in the room he would just start to smile seeing you. You were pure happiness to him, he loved loving you just as you loved loving him. Sodapop is truly high on loving you.  

Steve: How smart you are. Steve knows that he isn't a smart man. What he does know is that he is lucky to have you around and that he does not deserve the presence in his life. He is always in awe about how you understand and comprehend things. If he doesn't know something, he always knows that he can come to you. 

Dally: There isn't one thing that Dally loves more than yourself. He loves everything about you, he can't chose just one thing, it all leads back too you. Dally loves you more than he has ever loved anything in his whole life. He knows that he has never done anything in his life to ever deserve you. As long as you're by his side he will die a happy man.

--465 words--

A/n: So there are so many song references in this like I really need to stop. 

A/n: I've had this for a month and never posted it .....ops....

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