How Dallas reacts when you tell him your boyfriend is abusive

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 "Y/n, please just tell me where the bruise came from?" Dally asked me for about the hundredth time that night. "I told you Dal, I fell and hit my eye." I explained hoping that he would believe me. "Come on, I know that's not what happened." He said walking towards the couch I was sitting on. As Dally sat down on the couch, the sweater that I was wearing over my tank top fell revealing a few of my new fresh cuts and bruises that my boyfriend Scott gave me when he found out that I was leaving the house to go see Dally. I was really hoping that he did not see that, I really don't want him to worry about me. "What the hell was that?" Dally asked with soft eyes. He  inched closer to me and pulled my sweater all the way off my shoulder revealing a large amount of black and blue bruises and red cuts. It was at this moment that Dally looked more sad than he had ever looked in his whole life. "Dally, please it's nothing, don't worry about it." I said giving him a weak smile. "Did Scott give you those?" Dally asked. Taking in a deep breathe I nodded my head. "How long?" He asked with tears visibly forming in his eyes. "A few months." I said looking down at my feet. "That son of a bitch!" Dally screamed before punching a wall. "It's okay Dally, I'm fine." I said trying to calm him down. "How the hell is it fine Y/n? He hit you, that's never okay. I told ya he was no good for you, I told ya he don't deserve you." He said trying to calm down. "Look Y/n, I don't deserve ya either, but I know one thing, if I ever had the privilege to be your boyfriend I sure would treat you better than him." Dally said looking deep into my eyes. "I loved him Dal, why doesn't anyone love me. You should have just let me hang myself back in 9th grade." I cried out. "Don't ever say that, you know I  love you, the gang loves you, we'd be lost without you." Dally said putting an arm around me. "What about my parents, huh?" I said looking at him. "Fuck them, do you think my old man gives a shit if I'm dead in a gutter somewhere? No, but I do okay, I don't let that bother me. Jesus Christ Y/n, don't you get it I love you." Dally said softening the look on his face. "You love me?" I asked as I stopped crying. "Yeah, I love you. In more than just a friend way. It killed me when Scott asked you out. I was going to ask you out the same night that you got with him, but I wasn't going to say anything, you looked so happy. I only want you to be happy." Dally said smiling. "I love you so much Dallas Winston." I said smiling and wrapping my arms around him. "I love you too, Y/n." Dally said hugging me back. 

One door closes, another door opens. This is the day that I learned to accept nothing but the best. Don't lower your standards for anyone, don't take anything lesser than you deserve. 

A/n: Guys, abuse is no joke, if you are experiencing domestic abuse reach out, get help. 1-800-799-7233. This is the Domestic abuse hotline number, please use it if you need it! 

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