His favorite feature about you

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Dally: You're legs. If there's one thing that you know about Dally, it's that he is a total sucker for your legs. He loves you're legs so much because they aren't like any other girls legs he's ever been with before. Most girls strive to have super skinny stick legs, but not you. You loved your curvy legs and how they were thicker than most other girls legs. Dally loved it too. Dally isn't the type of guy that wants a girl that is super skinny, he loves a girl that has meat on her, like you do. 

Sodapop: You're eyes. He loves the crystal blue orbs that you're eyes are. When he looks into them he swears that he can see forever. Sometimes he'll just stare into you're eyes to admire them and all they are. He's never met anyone that has such intense eyes as you. They're though in a way. 

Darry: Smile. He loves the way you smile when you're happy or you think something is funny. Whenever he has had a bad day, he loves to come home to you and you're smiling face, without saying a word you are always able to cheer him up.  

Ponyboy: Your nose. Its weird for him to admit it, but he likes your nose. He thinks that it is one of your best facial features and that it makes you, you. He also thinks that it is one of the cutest things about you. He loves it in the winter when you have snowball fights and he loves to kiss snowflakes off of your nose. 

Two-bit: Your butt. Let's face it, we all know that Two is a total butt guy. He will grab your butt anytime that he can, no matter were you are at or who is around you. He thinks it is a total turn on when you wear skinny jeans or wear short dresses. Although, he will rip any other guys eyes out if they are caught looking at your butt. 

Johnny: Your voice. It is soft and helps him take his mind off things that are happening at home. No matter what is wrong you are always able to calm him by just speaking. Your voice alone is all the Johnny needs to keep him going everyday. 

Steve: Your hair. He loves how long it is and how it glistens in the sunlight at anytime of day. He loves the way it looks when your sleeping and are sprawled out over the bed. He loves to run his fingers through it while you are falling asleep on his chest after a long at work.

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