Celebrating your Birthday with Dallas

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October 11th, a day that I care to look over every year, my birthday. Of course though, nobody around me lets me forget it. 

"Heyyyyyyy wakkkkkkeeee upppp!" Dallas yelled kicking the bedroom door open. 

"Fuck you Dallas." I screamed throwing a pillow over my head. 

"Don't worry darlin' you already have." He said breaking out in laughter.

"But really wake up, I made you pancakes." He said sitting down on the bed holding a tray in his hands. 

As soon as he said 'pancakes' my head shot off of the pillow. If one thing is true about Dallas Winston it would be, his pancakes are just as good as sex. 

"Awe, thanks Dally." I said taking the tray from him and giving him a kiss. 

"Your welcome baby. I'm gonna go downstairs and wash the dishes while you eat alright? Then we're going to the Curtis house." Dally said walking towards the door. 

I know this is all because it's my birthday and all, but Dal would never say that cause he knows I hate birthdays. 

I finished eating and shoved the tray to the floor and took a shower.  A few minutes later I got out of the shower and started sifting through my clothes trying to decide what to wear. After a couple minutes I just decided on a plain black tee and jeans. To top the whole outfit off, I threw on Dally's dog tags. 

"Hey you ready?" I yelled running down the stairs and into the kitchen where Dally was putting away the last dish.

"Yeah, you?" He asked leaning on the counter.

"Yup." I said heading towards the door to pick up my boots and put them on.

"Hey wait up." He said walking over to the closet.

"Here." He said handing me a black bag with a box in it.

"Dallas, please no gifts." I whined in protest of opening the gift.

"Please, just open it." He pleaded.

I gave in, what can I say? I have a soft spot for Dally.

When I opened the box I saw a brand new shiny pair of black boots.

"Well?" He said giving me a huge smile.

"I'm not completely obliged to this gift." I said walking over to the couch and slipping them on. 

"They're beautiful Dallas. Thank-you so much." I said getting up and giving him a bear hug.

"You're welcome, they look good on you." He said pointing down to my feet. 

"Can we go now?" I asked heading towards the door.

"Wow, someone is anxious. Yeah we can go." He said laughing.  

We casually started the short walk to the Curtis house. As usual Dally had his arm draped over my shoulder lovingly and protectively. Luckily, we didn't have any run ins with any Soc's. It's been real bad lately. Some gets jumped almost everyday. Except me and Dal almost never have a problem. They must assume that Dal will kill them if they touch either of us. 

A short while later, we arrived at the Curtis house. When we walked in it was pitch black and silent.

"Suprise!" Everyone yelled as the lights came on and everyone surrounded me in a group hug. 

I spent the rest of the day celebrating with the whole gang and being showered in gifts. Even though I hate celebrating my birthday, being around people who cared about me so much made me like it. 

At around 8 or so Dally said goodbye to everyone and drug me home because he apparently had another surprise for me;)

Being with Dallas could really make me like my birthday. 

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