Two-bit Imagine

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A/n: This contains self harm. Please do not read beyond this point if this will trigger you. 

'One for my parents. One for the bullies. One for the one I love, Two-bit.'

I say to myself as I press the razor blade to my wrist for the third time this week.

I was so happy, yet I was so depressed at the same time. 

I was killing Two-bit. He hated to see me depressed. I was normally good at hiding it, but sometimes it is harder than others. 

After about twenty times of slitting, I rinsed my arm and the blade. 

I started to get ready for mine and Two-bit's date. I decided to wear a casual outfit since we were just going to see a movie. 

At 7:30 on the dot, I heard him pull up in front and honk.

I grabbed my keys and wallet and ran out the door.

"Hey babe." Two-bit said giving me a kiss after I got into his car.

"Hey Two." I said buckling my seatbelt. 

We made small talk the whole way to the drive in, until he noticed that I was wearing long sleeves and it was 70 degrees outside. 

"Babe, please stop cutting." Two-bit said with tears brimming his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'll try." I forced a smile.

We sat in silence until we got there. 

When the  movie started I knew that it was going to be a basic beach movie that they were always playing. 

About half way through the movie, some soc kicked Two's car. As soon as the soc did that, Two-bit jumped out and started to beat him up.

I knew better than to get out of the car, because that always makes things worse.

The soc got a few good punches in, but in no time Two knocked him out.

Before any of his friends showed up we split. 

"I'm sorry Kay." He said licking some blood off his lips. 

"It's fine, don't worry about it. Do you want me too patch you up?" I asked trying to act normal.

"I'm good.I'm gonna take you home if that's alright." He said keeping his eyes on the road.

"Yeah that's fine." I said forcing another smile.

The ride home just filled my mind with thoughts.

I'm going through with it this time. I can't handle this anymore. I mentally said to myself. 

"Alright, I'll come by around ten tomorrow. I love you." He said kissing me.

"I love you too." I said getting out. 

I turned around and watched his car speed off into the night for the last time. 

I went inside grabbed two pieces of paper and a pen. I headed towards my room and sat down at my desk.  I started on my first letter, which was to Two-bit:

Dear Two, 

I can't thank you enough for the way you have treated me the past few months. You are the picture perfect boyfriend to me, and probably to some other more deserving girl. 

All of this has nothing to do with you, but your happiness. I can't make you happy.  With me here, I am only holding you back from better things. 

Please don't stay hung up on me, go get someone better. Someone that can make you happy. Someone who knows how to love them self. God knows that I can't. 

I wasn't made to love me, but to only love others. 

I love you,


The next letter was for Dally. Dally was the closest thing to family that I had. I would take a bullet for him. I loved him just as much as I loved Two, which was more than I had ever loved myself.

Dear Dally

I'll miss you the most, maybe more than Two (but don't tell him that). You were more family to me than my family ever was. 

Please try to stay out of trouble for me. You can make it without me. I know you can.

I'll be looking down on you always. I wish I didn't have to go, but it will be best for everyone.

I love you more than anything in the world,


 I neatly stuffed the letters in envelopes and labeled them with their correct name. 

I laid them on top of my pillow and made sure that everything in my room was neat. 

I grabbed my blade for the last time and walked into the bathroom and sat in the tub. 

I cut 8 vertical cuts and everyone made the room grow darker. 

Until black.

That's when I knew the pain and suffering was over. 

A/n: Not my normal turn for an imagine but it's different and I like it. I am going to do a part two too this as well. My inbox is always open to anyone for anything. Thanks guys <3 

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