Two-bit Imagine part 2

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Two-bit's P.O.V.

I've been try to call Kay all morning long but she hasn't answered any of my ten phone calls.

If she was sleeping the phone would have woke her up by now. 

I decided that sitting here wondering why she wasn't answering wouldn't do me any good. I grabbed my car keys and started on the short drive to her house. 

When I got there, her car was in the driveway but none of the lights in the house were turned on.

I parked my car next to hers and walked up to the door. I knocked a few times but no answer.

I remembered that she gave me a key a while ago, so I used that to unlock the door.

When I didn't see her in the living room or kitchen I walked up to her room.

It was neat. Too neat.

I walked over to her bed and saw two letters laying there.

One for me and one for Dallas.

I started to scream her name and started looking for her all over.

When I walked past the bathroom the door was cracked open.

I poked my head inside, not preparing myself for what I saw. 

There she was, cold and lifeless in the tub which was full of her blood.

A razorblade lay next to her hand which was lifeless.

"Kay no please..." I screamed and cried holding her lifeless body in my arms. 

I sat there. I couldn't move. 

When I got the strength to move I placed her on the floor gently and ran to the kitchen to call an ambulance. 

After that I got myself to stop crying and called all the gang over. 

All of the gang showed up the same time the ambulance did, which sent everyone into a frantic run to the house to see what happened. 

"Hey guys, come meet me in the den." I said and everyone listened. 

I walked over to the ambulance and told them what happened and where Kay's body was. 

I walked into the den to silence. Everyone looked scared out of their wits, even Dally looked like he actually cared. 

"Kay killed herself." I choked out before I started to cry. 

Before I lost it too much I remembered the letters that she had wrote for Dally and I. 

I pulled them out of my pocket and handed Dally to him. 

He was trying to hold tears back so much that he looked like he was in pain.

"Here, I think she wrote it for you." I said handing him the sealed envelope. 

I can't imagine how he feels right now. Kaykay was closer to Dallas than she was to anyone, even me. 

I use to envy their relationship sometimes. 

Dallas sat there reading the letter for a long time. When he got to the end he crammed it in the pocket of his jacket, with tears streaming down his face he stormed out of the house in a rage. 

"Even Dallas has a breaking point." Johnny said breaking the silence. 

Everyone nodded in agreement. 

We all sat around the whole day talking to each other and just being there for each other. 

Dallas p.o.v 

I ragged out of her house like I was on fire. 

She was the only one that I cared about and that wasn't enough. 

I loved that girl more than I loved my life. She was the reason I stayed out of trouble, because it would kill her if I got put in the cooler again. I guess that doesn't matter anymore.

At that moment I got the most insane idea I had ever had. 'Hold up the store with the unloaded .45 in my jacket.' This idea was so appealing to me because I would either get shot by the police or get put in the cooler for around five years.

'I have to do this' I thought to myself. Nobody cares about me anymore. 

I walked into the store and walked over the magazine rack and started to look at them stalling myself. I've never cried so much in my life. I picked up a magazine and ripped it in half. 

"Son, you're gonna have to pay for that." The old man said from the front counter. 

I started to walk that way. 

When I got to the counter I pulled out my gun and pointed it to his head.

"Give me the money." I screamed waving the gun in his face. 

I grabbed the sack of money and ran out the door. 

The old guy grabbed a pistol and started to shoot at me, one shot clipped me in the arm. 

I ran until the nearest pay phone and called Darry. 

'Hey Darry'

'This is Steve'

'Let me talk to Darry'


'Hey Dal you okay?'

'Kaykay is dead'

'I know'

'I'm being chased by cops, meet me in the lot?'

'The gang will be there in no time'

I hung up and heard sirens growing closer and closer. I left the sack of money and ran.

I ran into two cop cars and led them to the empty lot.

I ran down the hill where the gang was standing and three cops. 

I pulled my gun and screamed 

"You'll never take me alive!"

Bullets were sent flying towards me.

They sent me to the ground and I rolled down the hill.

With my last bit of strength I held my hand to my heart then to the sky.

And with that, I was gone. 

I'm Dallas Winston, I always get what I want.

And I wanted to be dead.

A/n: So this is part two too the Two-bit imagine that I posted a few days ago. I really like the way these turned out. How about you? Please like and comment!

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