Steve Imagine

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A/n: For emriecurtis

'Where the hell is he?' I silently think to myself as I sit and wait for Steve to come get me for school.

I'm used to him being late, but not this late. 

I was shook out of my thoughts when I heard a screech of tires. It was Steve. 

"Come on Emrie, get in, I don't got time to waste." Steve yelled out of the window of his truck. 

"Hey, Steve why were you so late?" I questioned.

"I overslept and my alarm clock never went off." Steve said keeping his eyes on the road ahead of him. 

"I kinda figured that was why you were late." I said laughing. 

Before I knew it, I was at school. 

"I'll see you at the DX after school. bye!" I yelled running inside of the building because I was already late. 

*Steve's P.O.V.*

I sped the whole way to work, because I was already an hour late. 

I ran through the shop parking lot and slowed down when I got inside. Luckily it looked like it was going to be a slow day. 

"Hey Stevie!" Sodapop yelled from the front office.

"Hey Soda" I said walking into the office. 

"Why were you so late?" Soda asked.

"I overslept and then I had to take Emrie to school." I said smiling when I said her name. 

"Ahh, I see." Sodapop said winking, 

The rest of the afternoon was pretty busy. 

I would say that around fifty people came in throughout the morning. Overall a good day though. 

"You like her don't you?"Soda asked me completely out of the blue. 

"Why would you say that?" I asked. 

"Well she is first priority and you blush when you talk about her. Lets not forget that you can go on and on about her."

I never really thought about liking Emrie. Not saying that in a bad way, I just never really gave it much thought. The more and more that I think about it, the more and more I think that I like her. 

"I think I like her, Sodapop" I said smiling. 

"I like you too, Steve." Emrie said smiling from the door.

A/N: So it's shorter than normal but oh well. Hope you guys enjoyed! 

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