Darry Imagine

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A/n: Warning: this contains strong verbal language please pass if it will offend you.
"Why are you home so late?" I said sleepily rolling over to face Darry.
"I picked up an extra shift at the 24 hour Mart." Darry said giving me a kiss on the forehead.
I nodded and rolled back over and went to sleep.
When I woke up in the morning, Darry was gone like normal.
That's okay though, I was use to it.
I spent most of the day cleaning around the house and hanging out with Dally and Two-bit.
Dally decided to walk to The Dingo for lunch and we all agreed that was a good idea since there was no food in the house.
The walk to The Dingo was pretty normal, except we got trailed by some socs the whole way there.
All three of us were releaved when we finally got to there.
Well walked in, it was fairly busy, but not too bad.
When all got a booth in the back.
I turned around and then I saw it, Darry, making out with another girl.
I sunk in my seat, making sure he didn't see me. I didn't want to make a big scene in public.
"What's wrong y/n?" Dally asked as he looked down at me.
"Darry is behind us making out with some soc." I said with tears brimming my eyes.
"What the fuck are you doing man!" Dally yelled turning around and smacking Darry across the head.
" So this is the shit that you do while I sit at home and wait for you to get off of work? You know what, spare me the details and don't answer. We're done." I yelled slamming my fist down on the table making it fall over.
I stormed out of The Dingo, destination unknown.
I decided that I would head over to Bucks and get boozed up for the night.
I got completely and utterly wasted.
I didn't know who I was or where I was.
"Y/n, what are you doing here?" Dally said walking over to me without a shirt on.

"Ayyeee Bally, wait no Tally.. just kidding Dally!" I slurred and started to laugh.
"Come on, let's get you upstairs and get you too bed." He said picking me up.
"Darry is a big fat asshole!" I whispered into his ear.
He just laughed, not knowing what to say.
By the time I was upstairs I was already feeling more sober.
"Hey, Dal, two kids are here to see you. Around 14 or so looking." Buck said and walked back out.
"Wait here I'll be back." Dally said walking down the stairs.
A couple minutes later Dally came back up the stairs with Ponyboy and Johnny.
"Why are you guys here?" I asked suddenly feeling normal again.
"Johnny killed a social." Ponyboy whimpered.
I couldn't believe it, sweet little Johnny killed someone.

I guess they always say it's the quiet one that you gotta watch out for.

A/n: So I think there she be a part 2 for this one. What do you think? Comment below (:

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