Dally Imagine Part 3

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From the diner, we headed to my house. It wasn't in the plans but it sounded better than going to the drive in and it will be more comfortable for the both of us.

"I am going to warn you are going into a girl's house that lives by herself so there are clothes all over so please don't judge me." I said kinda embarrassed.

"I'm sure it's better than my house." Dallas said laughing.

Dally parked the car in my driveway and I bolted out of the car and ran into the house.

I grabbed the hamper and started filling it with clothes.

"It's beautiful in here!" Dally said sounding​ surprised.
He walked around the house looking at the sleek black, grey, and white decorations that were picked and placed carefully around the house.

"Why so surprised?" I asked walking into the laundry room to set down the hamper.

"Well let's just say I've been in some girls houses that we're terrifying. It looks like you've but so much work into this place." Dally said sitting down on the couch.

"I've put a ton of work into this place. I never grew up in a nice house so it's always been my goal to have a nice house." I said taking my shoes off and putting them in the closet.

"Missing something?" Dally said while was putting my shoes away.

"What?" I said turning around to see that Dally was holding a pair of red and black lace panties.

"Holy shit." I said with my face turning red.
I ran over and took them from him and threw them in the laundry room.

"I've never seen anyone so red." Dally said laughing.

"Shut up." I said walking into my room and shutting the door.

I wasn't mad but it was just embarrassing.
"Hey I'm sorry." Dally said knocking on my door.

I changed into some sweats and a tee before I opened the door.

"It's fine, come in if you want it's the best room in the house." I said opening the door and letting him.

"Your lucky,I don't let most people in my room." I said sitting down on my bed and turning the t.v. on.

"So I'm not most people?" Dallas asked laying down next to me.

"No Winston, you're not most people." I said sweetly.

"You're so cute." Dally said staring at me.

"Don't Dal please, Im already falling and your making me fall harder." I said turning away from him.

"I want you." Dallas said inching closer to me.

"I want you to." I said remaining still.

Dallas was inching closer and closer to my face.

"Please don't." I said with tears brimming my eyes.

"What are you so scared of?" Dallas asked still very close to my face.

"Falling and no one catching me." I said remaining still.

"I'll catch you." Dallas said.

He crashed his lips into mine.
Our lips moved in sync as fireworks went of inside me.
Our lips fit perfectly, like they were made for each other.

"Wow." Dallas said pulling away.

I was speech, I had no words for how I was feeling.

"Will you be my girl?" Dally asked out of the blue.

"Yes, now shut up and kiss me." I said laughing.

"As you wish." Dally said leaning in to kiss me.

The boy that I never thought I would be close with was now mine.

A/n: So I really liked this three part mess thing. I might do it again ;)

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