Steve Imagine

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A/n: For 

It happened in an instant. In a moment you life changed drastically. It was no longer happy and safe, it was sad and dangerous. 

Steve was gone. Gone for good. No, he didn't break up with me, if that's what you're thinking. My life and my world just burned up in a fiery automobile accident, right in front of my face too. 

The next few days flew by in a blur. With the funeral preparations and the calling of his family members, you had almost no time to fully digest what happened. Every night when you fell asleep the scene would play out over and over again in your head without end. 

It would always start the same. It would always end the same.


"I had so much fun tonight Steve, thank-you so much for taking me out." I said smiling as I looked at Steve in the moonlight as he walked me too my door. 

"It was my pleasure Kaykay, I'm glad you had as much fun as I did. It's getting late, you should get inside." Steve said leaning over and kissed me. 

"I love you Kaykay." Steve said pulling away. 

" I love you too!" I yelled as Steve walked back to his truck and drove off. 

I was about to walk inside, but something inside told me to watch Steve as he drove down my street. 

Not more than half a block away, something happened. 

Someone ran a red light and slammed right into the side of his truck, cause it to explode. 

I ran inside and called 911.

I ran out the door to try and get him out of the truck, but it was already too late by the time that I got there. 

(Normally this is where I could wake up, but I didn't tonight, the dream kept going)

As I stood there, watching his truck go up in flames, I saw a white streaming light appear about 20 feet from the crash site. 

When I looked up, it was Steve, standing there, looking as if nothing ever happened. 

"Kaykay, don't be sad, I went fast and painless. I even got to spend the last few minutes of my life with my favorite person. I love you, don't ever forget that." Steve yelled at me.

I started to walk towards the light, but then it was gone in an instant.

*End of flashback*

When I woke up, I felt more relieved than I have ever felt in the last few days.

Steve may be gone, but I now know that he was not in pain, which means that I am not in pain. 

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