Why you break up

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Johnny: There never was a major blow up, you never screamed terrible things that you would soon regret. It was calm, it was simple. You an Johnny just didn't click and you did not want to lead him on. So you sat him down and talked about how you felt and he understood and that he had felt the same way. It was mutual and the two of you are still friends and share important life events with each other. You and Johnny are the definition of a couple that worked as friends but did not work as a couple, and both of you were okay with that. 

Steve: There were many different reasons that you guys broke up. Although Steve did not understand at all. Steve wanted to move way more fast than you were comfortable with. Unlike Steve, you were not comfortable with having sex on the second date. That was the biggest reason that you ended the relationship. The break up was very hateful, but mostly from Steve. You wanted to be as peaceful and civil as possible but Steve was having no part of that. He tried to get the whole gang to pick sides and a lot of other horrible things. Finally when it got to much Dally sat down with Steve and told him that he needed to stop being a jackass because you already felt bad enough as it is. Now Steve is not as hateful towards you, but lets just say, you won't be going to the Dingo for a soda anytime soon. 

Darry: He didn't appreciate you as much as he should have. You were almost invisible to him, and he was the one who asked you to be his girl. Soda even sat him down and talked to him about it because he knew that you were not happy. You also wanted to end things with Darry because you didn't like him as much as you did. You found what the real Darry is like, its not that it was a bad thing, you just were polar opposites. He was calm, sensible, and wise. He never wanted to party or get drunk. He got old before he should have. That's not you. You are wild compared to him. Some times you would flirt back to Dally when he flirted with you just to see if Darry noticed, but he never did. You spent most of your with Dally and he was the only one except Soda who knew about your problems with Darry. You can admit that after spending time with Dally that he was a really good guy and that you may have a crush on him. When you and Darry broke up it was very peaceful and the two of you still talk sometimes. 

Ponyboy: He didn't know how to handle a relationship. He did his best to, but he ended up being the one to break it off because he didn't want you to waste your time on someone like him. You did not understand but agreed. You are still pretty good friends despite breaking up.

Two-bit: His drinking is the reason that you left him. You can't stand seeing him slowly drink himself to death. Especially since you're uncle died from being an alcoholic.  You still have alot of love for him so you made him a deal that if he goes to a 21 day rehab program, comes home and stays sober for 6 months that you will get back together with him. Right now he is 3 months sober. You hope for the best between the two of you. 

Sodapop: You caught him flirting with another girl. He assured you that he only loved you but you have trust issues as it is. Right now you guys are trying to work things out because you guys really love each other.

Dally: You broke up with him because of him always getting in trouble with the cops. Dally said that he is willing to change for you and even offered to go to couple's counseling because he is so scared to lose you. Since his scare with losing you, he has stopped drinking and hanging out with the Shepard outfit. He has also stopped getting in trouble with the law. 

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