Two-bit Imagine

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I slowly walked home after my ten hour shift at the movie theater. Luckily Dally was at the last movie so he waited for me a walked me home.

I was terrified of getting jumped, even though we were still on our side of town getting jumped this late at night happened all the time. 

The more I thought about it, the more images of Johnny after he got beat by those socs came to my mind. 

I was so involved in thought that I didn't even realize that I was at  my house. 

"Hey Hope, you alright?" Dal asked shaking my shoulder to get my attention.

"Oh yeah I'm fine. I'll see ya late." I said walking up the steps. 

"Babe, I'm home." I yelled throwing my purse on the couch.

"Two-bit?!?" I yelled starting to get worried.

I ran up stairs and he was nowhere to be found, this is strange I thought to myself.

I ran back downstairs and started into the kitchen towards the phone.

Before I could call anyone, I found Two-bit unconscious on the floor with a beer bottle in his hand.

Above his head was a puddle of blood, this is when I really started to get scared. 

I ran to the phone and called 911, I gave them the address and told them to come as soon as possible. 

Within no time they were there and took him to the hospital.

I followed them right out the door, got in my car and drove over to the Curtis house to everyone what happened. 

I now that I was going way over the speed limit because I got there in five minutes and it is normally a fifteen minute drive.

I pulled my car aside and ran inside.

I scared everyone because they were all standing in an instant when I ran through the door.

"Two-bit is in an ambulance right now on the way to the hospital. I have no idea what happened but he was collapsed when I got home if y'all wanna go with me I'm leaving now." I said and walked out the door. 

When I got to the car Sodapop and Dally got in the car with me. 

"Only you two?" I asked starting the car.

"Well Pony is sleeping so Darry can't leave and Steve had plans." Soda explained.

"I see." I said pulling away from the sidewalk.

We drove most of the way without any of us talking at all.

"Are ya gonna slow down?" Dal asked looking at the speedometer seeing that I was going 70.

"You drive just as fast so shut your trap." I said brushing off his comment. 

He just gave me a look and didn't say anything else after that. 

If anyone besides me ever talked to Dallas like that, he'd be sure to put them in there place. Everyone knew that if they ever crossed them, that he'd beat their head in. 

I've known Dally since New York, I moved here with him. That's how I met Two-bit and the gang. 

About ten minutes later we got to the hospital.

When we got there, I wasn't able to get any information yet. The doctor told me it would be a while before I knew anything. 

Sodapop, Dally, and I spent the night sleeping in the waiting room. 

Early the next morning I was waken up by a nurse. 

She told me that I needed to speak with his doctor.

I met the doctor in the hallway.

He explained to me that Two had alcohol poisoning from drinking so much. After that he said that I could go see him. 

"Two." I said walking into the room where he laid and watched Mickey.

"Cupcake, don't cry." He said hugging me.

"I'm sorry. I already signed into a alcohol rehab program. This won't ever happen again. I love you so much Hope, please stay with me forever. Marry me?" Two-bit said pulling a ring out of his bedside table. 

"Yes!" I said giving him a huge hug and a kiss. 

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