Two-bit Imagine part 3

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The past few months have been a living hell for me. I miss Kay more than I ever have.
Johnny is a mess too. He is so upset over Kay's and Dally's death.
I don't know how much that little guy can take.
If I'm being honest, I don't know how much more I can take.

Johnny didn't hang out with the gang for at least three weeks after they died. Eventually we all broke into his house to make sure that he didn't kill himself and nobody had found him yet.

That wasn't the case, he just locked himself in his house by himself so that he could mourn their death. Once we all knew that he was okay, we left him alone and he secluded himself for another four weeks.

It took Johnny a month and a half to get himself steady enough to go out in public. 

Not everyone in the gang was affected. 

Ponyboy wasn't bothered at all. At one point he had said that neither Kay or Dally were that important to him. After he said that I gave him a black eye. 

Everyone was handling all of the death in different ways. 

Kay and Dally's funeral was last week. The whole gang decided that it would be a good idea if they had their funeral together and were buried next to each other since they were such good friends. 

The funeral was small, but it was a great memorial for two of the strongest people I have ever known. 

Both Kay and Dally's dads managed to sober up enough so that they could go to the funeral. 

It took every ounce of courage in me to not beat the tar out of both of them for the way they treated their children

I was going to, but they were both really upset, so I decided that it wouldn't be a good idea. 

After the funeral is when it hit all of us. We truly realized that the two corner post for the gang were gone, forever. 

We almost never saw Darry anymore because he worked all the time to keep his mind off of everything that was happening. If he didn't stop, he was going to work himself to death by the end of the year. That was the only way that he knew how to handle death, keep his mind off of the matter at hand. 

Steve stopped coming around at all. He didn't even show up at the funeral. He was taking everything hard. He stopped showing up at work too. 

Sodapop moved into Dally's old room at Buck's. He was working almost every day of the week and drinking himself to sleep every night like clock work. 

Ponyboy spent most of the time by himself since Soda was gone and Darry was working. He never minded much though, because he was pretty independant. 

I wasn't doing any better than everyone else. I was drinking every night and all day. I haven't been sober for going on two months now. My momma tried to help but she didn't know what to do. I just sat in Kay's house and slowly rotted away and killed myself with alcohol. I planned to drink myself to death. 

*2 years later*

I finally sobered up and got a job. I wasn't doing great but I was doing better.

Nobody in the gang has spoken to each other since there funeral that was nearly 3 years ago.

We passed each other on the sidewalk and in the stores like we didn't know each other.

When Kay and Dally died they took someone else with them, the gang. 

A/n: So this is the last part for the Two-bit imagine. Go read my bestfriends @dally_ponyboy_johnny story that she is writing based on these three imagines. It is addictive! 

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