How he proposes

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Johnny: He would be very traditional when he asks you to marry him. He would take you out to dinner and then to a drive in movie that was not busy. When he thought the moment felt right he would get down on one knee and propose 

Darry: He would stress out over how he should ask you, afraid that you would say no. You would be able to tell that something was wrong with him because he was acting strange. When you ask what was wrong he would break down and ask you. Not the best way to ask you but you still thought it was sweet that he was so stressed about asking you. 

Sodapop: Soda never likes to do anything the easy way, he always likes to go overboard. He would take you too a very fancy restaurant. He would figure out a way to propose to you that would involve dessert. The only thing that you loved more than him was dessert. You would be so shocked at how much effort he put into asking you to marry him. 

Johnny: He wouldn't really know how to propose to you. He would be really scared of losing you if you said no. Johnny always thought of you as his kitten, so he would adopt a kitten and attach a ring and a note asking you to marry him and give you the cat. 

Two-bit: The two of you both shared a love for Mickey Mouse. It was strange that the both of you shared a love for the same cartoon. Two-bit would find the biggest Mickey Mouse stuffed animal that he could find. On that he would attach the ring to Mickey's neck with string, hand-write a note and give it to you. 

Dally: Proposing would be really hard for Dally to do, he knows that he loves you, but he's never been really good about showing how he feels. The two of you argue a lot, but it's normally over really something that is really stupid. The two of you would be having a heated argument when he said "Will you marry me, because if you walk out that door I'll never be with anyone else ever again."

Steve: Steve never thought of himself to be the kind to settle down and marry someone, but boy was he wrong. Within seven months of dating you he was sure that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you.  Steve wouldn't want to do anything special he would be traditional, take you to dinner and ask you when he thought the time was right. 

Ponyboy: You both shared a love for reading, so he would try to work it into the way he wanted to propose to you. He would find a book that you have been wanting for a while. He would write some sort of note to you that would ask you too marry him. You loved the fact that he was so simple with the way that he asked you too marry him. 

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A/n: Been done for a month.....never posted I guess, oh well :). 

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