Steve Imagine

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"Don't be such a pussy!" I yelled at Two-bit chasing him around the yard with a water balloon in my hand. 

"I'm not a pussy, you just throw hard and I hate water!" He yelled as he kept running. 

I eventually got sick of chasing him and sat down on the porch. 

"Gotcha!" I yelled as the water balloon hit Steve right in the head as he was walking up the steps into the house.

"What was that for?" He asked rubbing the spot on his forehead where I hit him. 

"Well you see, I was going to throw that at Two, but I got sick of chasing him, so I just threw it at you." I said laughing.

"Oh, I see." He said sitting down next to me. 

"Is there something wrong Steve?" I asked noticing that he seemed a little down. 

"I like someone, but I think that they like someone else and I don't know what to do." He explained. 

"Just be honest with them, that's always best." I said rubbing his back.

"Thanks Hope, are you doing anything tonight?" He asked me with a curious tone. 

"Yeah, I'm going out with Dallas." I replied. 

"Cool, have fun, I'll see you later." Steve said walking down the steps.

Later that night I went to a party with Dallas. 

I really liked to go to parties with Dallas because he always knew how to have a good time. I always felt a little safer with him because nobody ever messing with a girl that is with Dallas Winston. Not that I didn't feel safe, it's just that people can take advantage of you very easily when you are drunk.

We spent most of the night at the party until Dallas decided that we better go because of how much I had to drink. 

Dally didn't want to leave me by myself so he brought me back to his house and carried my passed out limp body to his bed to sleep for the few remaining hours of the night.

The next morning I woke up with the worst hangover known to mankind. 

Light was streaming through the window, which made my head feel like I was being stabbed with a thousand knives. 

I eventually got the energy to get up and get an Aspirin from the bathroom.

When I was walking down to the bathroom I heard two voices from the living room. 

"If you like her man, just tell her." I heard Dally say to the other person. 

I was curious who it was so I poked my head around the corner to see who it was. 

To my surprise it was Steve. 

"I really want to tell Hope, but she's so out of my league and you can tell that she likes you more than me." Steve said looking at his feet.

"Hey man, don't get me wrong, I'd love to date her, but I'm too scared of hurting' her. My wrap ain't to good." Dallas said to him.]

I decided to just go out and talk to him. 

"Hey Steve." I said sitting on the couch next to him.

"Hey." He said smiling.

"Can I talk to Steve alone?" I asked Dallas.

In an instant he got up and walked up stairs. 

"Look, I heard what you said, I ain't out of your league either. If you want to go out with me just ask me, don't hide it." I explained to him.

"I do want to go out with you, how about we go see a late night movie around 10 pm? That should be enough time for you to get over the hangover." Steve said laughing. 

"Yeah, that sounds great." I said smiling. 

"Alright, I'll pick you up at 9. Now go get some sleep." Steve said kissing me on the forehead and walking out the front door. 

I may have the worst hangover right now, but I sure am excited for my date with Steve tonight. 

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