How you meet part 1

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Dally: "Do you have to drink every time we go to the drive in Tim?" I asked annoyed. I've made it very clear that I am not comfortable with him drinking when we are on a date, or just in public for that matter.

Everyone in this town knows me for the town drunks daughter. My dad was a major drunk, and everyone knew him by that. Which instantly put a label on my forehead. 

"Why the hell does it matter? I ain't your dad." Tim yelled laughing at the end. 

"Don't you EVER talk about him!" I spat in his face. 


In a split second Tim's hand came flying across my face, hard enough to make my lip bleed. 

Out no were, the one and only Dallas Winston ran over cussing out Tim.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Dallas screamed at Tim getting in his face. 

"Keeping my bitch in line man."Tim cooley said.

"She ain't your bitch." Dallas calmly yelled back and swung a good solid punch right in Tim's face, which sent him flying to the ground. He was out cold. 

"You okay?" Dallas asked turning to face me. 

"Yeah I'm fine." I said holder a tissue to the cut on my lip.

"I'm Dallas by the way." He said taking his hand and wiping blood off another cut on my face. 

"I'm y/n." I said smiling at him.

Sodapop: 'Crap' I said to myself as it started to pour down rain. Lucky for me I was in my part of town so I didn't have to worry about getting jumped as much as I normally would. 

I started to run to the DX station that was slowly coming in view. I figured I could wait inside there until the rain passed over. 

I finally made it. I ran inside the building now completely soaked with rain. 

"Hey, can I help you find anything?" The blonde haired movie star looking boy asked from behind the counter.

"I was wondering if I could wait here until the rain passes over? I live a few blocks down but it's pouring down rain, as you can see." I laughed gesturing to my wet clothes. 

"Yeah of course." He said smiling. 

"You say you lived a few blocks down?" The boy asked. 

"Yeah, why?" I asked confused.

"Well, you just looked like you'd be from the southside." He said looking embarrassed. 

"Who are you?" I asked walking up to the counter.

"Sodapop Curtis." He said sounding proud.

"I live next door to you." I said laughing. 

"You do? How come I never see you?" Sodapop asked. 

"I normally stay with a buddy. I hate that house and my old man." I said harshly.

"Oh, I know your old man. I understand now." He said looking down at his feet. 

"Hey, don't sweat it. I don't mind." I said trying to make him feel better. 

"You sound just like my buddy Dal." He said laughing. 

"Winston?" I questioned. 

"Yeah, why you know him?" Sodapop asked.

"Yeah. He is one of my closest friends. I see him almost every day at Buck's. He's always staying in the room next to mine." I explained. 

"Wait you stay at Buck's?" He asked. 

"Yeah....." I was confused as to why it mattered.

"How haven't you met our gang yet?" He asked laughing. 

"Dally is trying to get me to come with him all the time. I'm not to keen on inviting myself places." I said laughing.

"Well, my shift is over now. The rain has stopped and you're coming over to my house." Soda laughed and took my hand in his.

Two-bit: I walked to the only grocery store that was still open in town. Two days ago my best friend and practically the closest thing that I had to family died, Dallas.  

I walked into the store with a tear stained face and a .45 pistol under my jacket. 

I walked to the back of the store and started to look through the magazine rack. I was stalling, the more I thought about him the more I missed him. 

"I know what you're about to do, don't do it. I know you're the girl he always use to talk about, but refused to let us meet." Said a guy that looked around 18 that had walked up to me. 

"You have no idea what I'm doing." I chalked back.

"Well I know you got a .45 under Dal's jacket. And I know that you don't want to use it cause it ain't loaded." The strange boy explained. 

"Who are you?" I asked slamming down the magazine. 

"I'm Two-bit Matthews." He said. 

"I'm y/n." I said back to him. 

"I know it's hard right now, but please don't do this. For Dally's sake. You know he'd kick your ass if he knew what you were about to do. Come to the Curtis house with the rest of the gang. You can join the club of depressed delinquants. What'd you say?" He asked me.

"I guess so." I said walking out of the door following him.

A/n: The other members of the gang will be in part 2. 

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