Dally Imagine Part 1

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A/n: So if you want listen to the music video above because that is where I got the inspiration for this story. 

It was only a few short months ago that I started hanging out with the Curtis gang. Since then, I have became great friends with all seven of them. 

I'll be honest, I was better friends with some of them than I was with others. One great example of that would be Dallas. 

Dallas terrified me. 

He had never done anything to me to make me feel this way, but I had been around enough that I knew how he could get when he was angry. 

Dallas wasn't one to be messed with either, which made me less opt to talk to him because I was scared of setting him off. 

Right now I was watching a movie with the guys at the Curtis house.

Watching a movie with them was mostly listening to some of them complain because they were bored or listen to them snore because they were so bored that they fell asleep. 

I myself was bored so I decided to head home since I had a little bit of a walk. 

"Hey guys, I'm going home. See y'all tomorrow." I yelled walking out of the house.

Before the door slammed behind me, I heard a few of them yell goodbyes at me. 

I just laughed to myself, these are some of the greatest friends that I have ever had.

I had walked home late at night many times before this one, but tonight just fet different than nights past. 

Tonight it was a little bit darker and a lot more quiet. 

I pushed the thoughts about the night feeling different to the back of my mind and kept walking towards home.

I was about five minutes or so into my walk when I heard a car behind me. 

Of course I thought nothing of it because I was walking along a pretty busy residential neighborhood road. 

I heard the car pull over on the road and then I heard someone get out. By this time I was walking pretty fast because I was starting to get scared. 

"Where do you think you're going greaser?"I heard someone yell from behind me.

Just as I was about to turn around, that is when I was pushed to the ground.

'This is just great, soc's' I thought to myself.

"If you listen to me, you won't get hurt." The soc said pressing a knife to my cheek.

I couldn't talk because he had his hand around my throat, so I just shook my head 'yes'.

"How about you take your hands off my girl before I kick your ass?" I heard another person yell.

I was lacking so much oxygen from being choked that I couldn't tell who it was.

Before I knew it, the grasp from around my throat was released and I could finally breathe again.

"Hey are you okay?" Dallas asked rushing to my side and kneeling down on the ground. 

"Yeah, I think so." I stuttered as Dally helped me off the ground. 

To my surprise, the soc's that had jumped me were out of sight. 

"Thanks for saving me and all." I said to him as we started to walk in the direction of my house. 

"It's nothing, really." He reassured me. 

"Why'd you  do it though? You could've just walked on by and it never would have affected you."

"Look, I can't imagine what you think about me, and all the terrible things that people have told you about me. I really do care about you." Dallas explained. 

"I was scared of you, you know that?" I told him.

"I kinda gathered that since you never really talk to me." He said rubbing his head.

I can't believe myself right now. I bought into what everyone has said about Dally and I never really got to know him. 

"I'm really sorry." I said feeling really bad for the way I had been acting. 

"You're the only one who has ever apologized for the way that they've treated me. Thank you for that." Dallas said smiling at me. 

At that moment I knew that he had me. His smile. His smile could kill thousands, but save millions. 

"I think I'm really gonna like you." I said laughing.

Dallas made the twenty minute walk to my house seem like a lifetime.

In such a short distance I learned so much about a person who was a complete outcast to me an hour ago.

"Well this is my stop." I said taking a deep breath and looked up at my house.

This was the walk that I did not ever want to end.

"I hope I'm not gonna come off to stand offish, but would you like to go out with me tomorrow night?" Dally asked me rubbing the back of his head in a nervous fashion like he did earlier. 

"I'd love to Dallas!" I said trying to contain my inner happiness.

"That's great! I'll pick you up at 7 tomorrow if that's okay" Dally said walking toward the sidewalk and away from my steps.

"Yeah that's great." I said turning around.

"Hey Dally?" I yelled.

"Yeah?" He yelled back.

"Thank you!" I said.

He didn't say anything. 

He just looked at me smiled and walked away towards his house. 

Tomorrow night couldn't come any faster. 

A/n: Ayee another update. So this will be a multiple part imagine yet again. I hope you guys like this, because I really think it turned out great.

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