Johnny Imagine

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"Johnny what's wrong, it's 3 am?" You said as you answered the door. 

He didn't say anything but just stared at me shaking. 

"Everything okay babe?" Dally said walking up behind me and wrapping his arm around me. 

"I'll I'll just go, sorry guys..."Johnny said turning around. 

"Hey man wait what's wrong?" Dally said grabbing his arm making him turn around. 

"My my old man beat me bad, look at my back.." Johnny said turning around and lifting his shirt revealing deep, painful looking, bleeding welts. 

Johnny turned around and looked at me. 

"I was gonna ask Hope if I could spend the night but I didn't know Dall was spending the night, I don't wanna interrupt you guys." Johnny explained. 

"Don't worry about it man, you can stay. I already got what I came for." Dally said winking at me. 

"Shut up asshole." I said laughing. 

We all walked into the living room. 

"Sorry about all the clothes everywhere Johnny." I said picking up the clothes that were previously on Dallas and I earlier.

"It's fine, looks a million times better than my place." Johnny said looking around the room. 

"You can have the basement. It's the nicest guest area in the house. There's a bathroom and rec area too." I explained showing him his room and bathroom. 

"Alright, thanks. I'm just gonna go to bed if that's fine." Johnny said kicking his shoes off.

"That's fine man. We'll be in our room. Just knock if you need something." Dally said and then he picked me up and carried me up the stairs.

"What do you think you're Winston?" I asked smacking his butt since he had me over his shoulder.

"What do you mean?" He asked throwing me on the bed.

"You said you already got what you came for." I explained.

"What I meant is I was just getting started." He said hovering over me and kissing me. 

Deep down I knew that we shouldn't do this with Johnny in the house, but the things that Dallas Winston can do with is tongue will make thinking impossible. 

*Timehop three days*

Johnny's home life were getting worse everyday. Almost every night he would come over cause he got beat up. 

Finally I told him too bring his stuff and move into the basement. 

Dallas was overjoyed because he knew that he would always have someone to hangout with even when I wasn't home. 

A/N: So I am thinking about maybe doing a Quotev account. Has anyone used Quotev, if so how did you like it? 

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