Sodapop Curtis Imagine

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A/n: I'm going to be one of the main charectors too, because why not.

"Hey, Hope! You going to the party at Buck's tonight?" Dally yelled strolling trough the front door of my house with Sodapop following close behind him.

"Uh duh. Come on Dal, you know me better than that. Of course I'm going." I said giving him an annoyed look. 

He just rolled is eyes at me and walked into his room and retrieved something. 

"Here, take this." Dallas said handing me a roll of twenty dollar bills.

"Dally, I told you that you didn't have to give me money for living here." I said staring at the money in my hand.

"Hope please just take it you deserve it, you do so much for me.Please." By now he was begging me to take it. 

I took the wad of money and threw it in the end table draw beside me. 

"Hey Hope!" Soda said plopping down next to me. 

"Have fun guys, I gotta split. See y'all tonight!" Dally screamed walking out the door. 

"I missed you Soda, you need to come around more." I said laying my head on his shoulder and snuggling closer to him. 

"Would you want to be my date to the party tonight?" Soda asked me out of the blue. 

I thought about it for a minute before I said anything. Sure why not I think it would be fun. 

"Yeah. I'll be your date." I answered casually. 

Soda left me soon after he asked me too be his date so that I could get ready. The time flew by and before I knew it I was putting the final touches on my outfit and was waiting for Soda. By the time I knew it, I heard a honk outside which indicated that Soda was here to pick me up.

I would say that the party was pretty fun, that is until Dally got so drunk that he puked all over me. Soda ended up taking me home early because of that. When we got back to my house, Soda asked me too be his girl. That was so out of the blue, but of course I said yes almost in an instant.

This IS the best day of my life. 

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