What a date with Dallas is like

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-Out of the blue he would ask you on a date, even though you had been dating for a year

-You never knew what to expect when it came to Dally taking you on dates

-You would always get mad at him when he spent too much money on you

-He would love to show you off somewhere where there was a lot of socs

-He would dress up for you

-There would be a lot of kissing

-He would randomly start staring at you for no reason

-Him whispering sweet nothings in your ear

-Have old people stare at you for kissing in public

-Eat dinner at a cute place

-Going to see a crappy movie

-Getting bored and making out the whole time

-Getting really heated in public

-Sexual tension when you guys had to stop kissing

-Speeding back to his place so he could really work his magic ;)

-Him feeling you up with his spare hand that wasn't driving

-Getting pulled over for speeding

-The cop writing Dally a speeding ticket

-The cop try to hit on you

-Dally get angry at the cop

-The cop carded you because he didn't think you were old enough to smoke

-Having to drive to Dally's slowly cause of the cop

-The car ride making the sexual tension grow between you

-Running into his house

-Leaving a trail of clothes all over the house, and up the stair leading to his room

-Dally being way to into foreplay

-He would keep teasing you which made you mad


-Sex all night

-Sex all around the house

-Waking up in the morning to Dally making you breakfast

-He poured the syrup on the pancakes out to spell 'I love you'


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