Movie Night in with Dally

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-He picks action packed movies

-You force him to watch chick flicks

-He somehow gets turned on by some of them

-You end up making out most of the time than actually watching the movies

-When you're actually watching the movies he falls asleep

 -You poke him till he wakes up again

-He gets really mad when you wake him up

-"Why would you do somethin like that, huh?"

-"It's boring by myself."

-"You're such a baby."

-"Well I'm your's"

-You guys end up cuddling most of the time

-Dallas get an awkward boner cause you're sitting on him

-He starts dirty talking into to your ear

-Tries seducing you for another hour or so before you give in

-"This is why we go to the drive in Dally."

-"Babe, it's never stopped me before."

-"That's why Buck won't let us borrow the car cause someone can't remember to ditch the condom wrapper."


Yayyyyy! Another update!!- Hope xx

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