Two-bit Imagine

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A/n: for dally_ponyboy_johnny.  This might be the last full imagine that I post for awhile. Even though I'll be gone please try to stay active guys!

'Beep, Beep, Beep'
I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock, like I do on most mornings.
I reached over to my bedside table and turned it off.
When I sat up, my head started to pound, when my eyes hit the light streaming in though the window, my stomach turned.
I jumped up and ran into the bathroom.
I thought I had to throw up, but I had nothing to puke.
'Beep, another migraine' I think to myself as I walk back to bed and lay down.
Before I fell asleep, I made sure to call work and let my boss know that I wasn't going to be in today because I was sick.
This is pure hell.
I fell asleep for a couple hours, until someone started to bang on the front door.
I slowly got out of bed, trying not to make myself want to throw up.
When I was finally vertical I noticed the I now had a soar throat and stuffy nose.
Great, can this day get any worse.
I made my way through my apartment avoiding the pile of clothes that we're scattered around.
When I opened the front door, it was Two-bit.
"Hey Kay, holy shit, you look like crap." Two-bit said looking at me with sad eyes.
"Thanks, try not to rub it in." I said forcing it out of my throat in pain.
"You sound terrible." He said.
We stood there for a few minutes in silence.
"Go lay down." He commanded.
I didn't complain.
A few minutes later Two came into my room carrying the T.V.
"You don't have to do this..."
Two interrupted "Don't talk, it will make your throat worse." He said tossing me the remote.
A half hour later he walked through the door carrying hot soup.
I said nothing following his orders.
I sat there and ate my soup.
When I was done he took my bowl back to the kitchen.
When he came back he laid beside me and we started a movie.
A few minutes later Two-bit was asleep, snoring lightly like always.

How can someone like me ever deserve a friend like him. A friend that is willing to drop everything to take care of me. He us a true blessing.

A/n: Hope you like it!!!!

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