Dallas Imagine Part 2

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John. Winston. Dallas' drunken dad was who I was looking at right now. 

I could tell that he was angry, yet I could tell that he wanted to talk to me.  My heart got the best of me, like it normally does and I decided to hear him out on whatever he had to say to me. 

"Yep, it's me. Did you bring my boy with you when you came back to New York?" He asked sitting down on the bench that was next to me.

I took a deep breath and sat down next to him.

"I didn't." I said quietly hoping he wasn't angry. 

"Hey are you okay? Did Dallas hurt you or something?"He asked me sounding concern. 

"Oh God no, he would never hurt me, well not on purpose." I said shocked that he would ever think that Dallas would hurt me. 

"How is he." He asked me diverting his eyes away from me. 

I swear if anyone asked me about Dallas one more time I was going to lose it, but this was his dad, I owed it to him to tell him how he was doing, it was the least that I could do.

"He's good. We were dating for eight months, but then I had to come back here to see my dad before he died and I knew that he wouldn't let me go, so I had to break it off." I said trying to hold back tears.

"I'm sorry about everything." He said feeling guilty, but I'm not sure why.

"I'm going to plan flat out tell you that I hated you for the way that you treated Dallas. I'll be honest with you about something else, Dally is the best guy that I know, he is loyal and always there for the people he loves, yeah he has his flaws but so do I. Hell as far as I'm concerned he's the love of my life." I finished off the sentence with tears streaming down my face. 

He didn't say anything to me, he just sat there and tried to take in what I had just said to him. 

"Look, John, I've got to go." I said getting up off the bench. 

"Wait, tell Dallas that I'm sorry." I heard John yell at me as the distance between me and him became greater. 

I rushed back home because it was getting really late. 

As soon as I walked in the door I knew that something was wrong, my grandma was standing by the phone with her jaw dropped and tears streaming down her face.

"He's dead." She said softly to me. 

And that's it, my father is dead. 

I went upstairs and sat on my bed and dialed the phone number for the Curtis house.

"Soda is that you?" I asked crying.

"Yeah it's me, Hope are you okay, where are you?"Soda asked me sounding concerned.

"Is Dal there?"

"Yeah, here he is."Sodapop said handing the phone over. 

"Yeah?" Dally said over the phone, he sounded strangely sober.

"Baby? I'm sorry, please don't be made." I said crying hard.

"Cupcake? Whats wrong? You know that I can't be that mad, I got your message. You know it takes a lot of guts to fly four hours to see someone that never did anything for you." He explained to me in a calm tone. 

"He's dead." I said and I stopped crying.

"When are you coming back?" He asked me. 

"I don't know, but I better get off here." I said.

"I love you." Dallas said out of the blue.

"I love you too Dallas Winston." I said hanging up the phone.

The following week I spent time planning the funeral for my dad. The more time that I spent in New York the more that I missed home. 

It had been a month since I had left home and almost a month since I talked to Dallas. It killed me to talk to him over the phone because I know that it was just making everything harder for him. So I stopped calling. 

Today was my Dad's funeral. I had thought long and hard about what I was going to do, and I decided that I was going to skip going because I had already done so much. 

Getting back home now was the only concern that I had. Getting home and getting back to life.

It took me several weeks to understand that I couldn't make a life in New York because I was missing something very important, Dally.

When I told my grandma I was leaving, she was sad to see me go but she understood why I had to leave. If I would have stayed any longer, I would have made everything harder for myself. 

Within 20 minutes I was on the plane headed back home, unsure of what I was going back to. 

No matter what I  was going back to, I was glad to be going back no matter what. 

A/n: AYYYYY here's another. I think there will be a part 3 and maybe even a part 4, who knows!

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