Ponyboy Imagine

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A/n: For 

"This is an unusual occasion for Track especially. Normally there is a first and second place finalist, but this year we have two first place finisher that tied. I would like to call Ponyboy Curtis and Silica Thompson up to the stand. Lets all give them a round of applause." The announcer yelled into the loudspeaker.

I couldn't believe it. I placed first next to Ponyboy! I was always the underdog on the team so this was a huge deal for me. 

The only thing that bummed me is that my parents didn't give a shit about me. At this time a day, they were probably drunk and in a ditch somewhere. 

I was overjoyed to go up to the stage and get my medal, but I had no family taking my picture, or no family cheering me on. 

When the awards ceremony was over, I was walking threw the gates when I heard someone jog up beside me. 

"Hey Silica, nice job!" Ponyboy said giving me a highfive.

"Yeah, you too!" I said.

"I'm having a party at my house, you should ask your parents if you can come." Ponyboy said smiling.

"Sure, I'll go but I ain't gonna ask my parents. It's not like they would even care or even remember I exist anymore." I said trying to stay calm. 

I walked home with Ponyboy, even though Sodapop offered to give us a ride. 

When we got to his house, the party was now in full swing. 

Music was blaring, there was food all over, and there was booze all over. 

I spent the majority of the night catching up with the rest of the gang and drinking. Even though both of my parents drink too much, I still like to drink here and there. 

Around 11:30 at night, Dally thought that it would be a good idea to play truth or dare. 

Rules were that if there was a dare or truth that you didn't want to do, you had to take off one item of clothing.

The first couple rounds around the circle were completely normal. 

About the fourth time around stuff started to get weird. 

When it was Ponyboy's turn, he turned to face me.

 He then said "I dare you too kiss me."

I didn't hesitate one bit since I have always had a crush on him. 

When we kissed it was magical.

We must have held the kiss for a long time because the rest of the gang started to make whistling noises. 

I won in many other areas than just in track tonight.

A/n: I hope you liked it!

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