Chapter 3

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Ancelote's POV

"Hey it was nice chilling with you guys but I think I've upset Arthur with how long I've been gone." I stood up and I felt weird feeling in my hurt ankle.

"Damn it Ancelote where the hell have you been?" Arthur stormed into the cafeteria.

"Eating dinner." I was far enough away from everyone to play of eating alone.

"For four hours?"

"Can I not be depressed and take my time eating?" I asked softly to avoid starting a fight even if its meant to happen.

"You should at least answer your scroll." He was getting more angry.

"Look I'm sorry ok. I just wanted to be alone." I looked around the room and saw everyone staring at us.

"Well if you wanted to be alone you should have stayed at home instead of making a commitment to being a apart of a team." He was upset no matter how calmly I was going to talk he was pissed.

"I don't want to fight with you. You made me who I am today..." I started to say.

"Yea. You may be the great protector of men. But I took you from that abusive fuck you called your father, yea he made you something big and important but you'd be different if you could fucking live up to his standards. And I didn't ask you to step behind my back and sleep with my girlfriend." He stopped after what he realized he said and stared at me.

"You still believe I did that." I let out a soft chuckle. "They say misery loves company. I guess it just really likes me."

I left I didn't look back at anyone, I just needed space before I ended up hurting him.

"Ancelote... I'm sorry I..." I didn't stop to listen to his apology I just ran as far as I could go with my ankle killing me with how much I was over doing it.

I ended up having to stop because the pain became to unbearable for me to go any further.

"Damn." I whispered to myself as I sat down on a bench.

"So its hard to tell is he your friend or no?" I looked over and saw Ruby looking at me concerned.

"How did you catch up to me?"

She started to laugh a bit, "my semblance is speed." She seemed proud of that.

"Ahh. That makes since. I'm sorry you all had to see that." I pulled my leg up so I could look at my ankle. "When something gets him going it takes him a bit to stop."

"So like when someone cuts yang hair?" She asked curiously.

"I dont know, maybe?" I wasn't sure how yang acts when her hair is cut but from that I'm assuming not good.

We sat in silence for a while until she decided to talk.

"So I kinda have a lot of questions, but you don't have to answer them."

"Let's hear what you have to ask. I'll answer any I feel comfortable with." I looked over to her.

"Ok well what did he mean by great protector of men? What was he talking about with your father? What does he mean you're big and important? Why does he think you slept with his girlfriend? Are you gay? Why did he say all of that then say he didn't mean it? How long have you know each other? Why does he seem like a douche?" She asked in one breath and I felt a little over whelmed.

"Well I can only answer some of those at least for now. I've know him for almost seven years. Yes, I'm gay, his friends told him I was and since I'm gay it must be true. And yea his girlfriend and I hung out and I loved her but I would never do such a thing to the person I owe my life to." I found tears start to come to my eyes.

"Oh no don't cry. I'm sorry don't worry about answering these questions." She paused to think. "Do you want to stay in out dorm tonight until things calm down?"

"No... I couldn't do that. I'll be fine my other team mates will help him calm down." I said softly.

"Oh well I guess we should start back."

She helped me to my feet which hurt like hell but I didn't want her to know so I kept walking through the pain.

"So you're the only girl on your team?" Ruby asked seeing surprised.

"Yea and as you can tell I'm not the most emotional." We both laughed.

Eventually we made it to my dorm where I acted like I was unlocking it when Ruby left and when she was out of sight I sank to the ground and cried.

It had been a while since I had cried and it felt nice to.

I know I'm not good enough. I never was as long as I am like my father, why cant I be like my mother? She was the protector before me. If I never accepted then maybe he would think I'm fine and accept me. I thought while tears stained my face. I still don't understand why you want to fight. You know I only fight to protect other people and to keep honor. I am loyal to you for saving me yet you try to make it seem like I dishonored you and myself.

Eventually I decided I needed to got to bed and I snuck into the dorm and changed onto my pajamas. I looked and saw Arthur wasn't there and I didn't want to be when he got here.

I walked out of the dorm and made my way to the dorm of team RWBY and knocked on the door.

"Can I still stay?" I asked when Ruby opened the door, "I'll pay you back for it."

"Yes and don't worry about it."

"Please let me pay you back some how." I refused to just be given the right to stay there.

"If you feel the need to you can pay us back by hanging with us." Ruby smiled as she let me in.

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