Chapter 44

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Ancelote's POV

*things get a bit sexual, but there is no sex.*

We were walking and Yang kept having to chase after Zwei, which Tai practically forced us to take him with us.

"Zwei." I called him and he came and stood in front of me. "Good boy, stay close to us or you can go home."

His ears folded down like he was sad and he started to walk beside us. After a few minutes and he was over it and he was playfully jumping around on the path near us.

"Hey, I was wondering do you want me to stop being clingy?" Yang asked she watched Zwei.

"Who ever said you were being clingy?"

"Well with me cuddling you, randomly kissing you, or constantly flirting with you." She tried to act like it wasn't bothering her.

"Well one of those cuddling times was me asking, I kissed you first, and I never said I didn't want to be with you." I grabbed her hand and turned her to face me. "Yang I love when you do those things. They make me feel happier than I do about everything."

She let go of my hands and quickly grabbed my shirt and pulled me into a very passionate kiss. During the kiss Zwei made his way in between us. I started to laugh a little when he started to growl.

Yang let go of my shirt and pulled away from me and looked down at her tiny corgi.

"Zwei go home," she sternly said to him. He took a couple steps and turned to face her again. She pointed in the direction of her house and he sulked as he waddled away.

"So he does listen to you." I said jokingly.

"Do you really want to talk about my dog when we could continue doing what we were doing?" I shook my head and she softly pushed me so my back was against a tree. "I thought so." She started kissing me again. This time it was deeper and more passionate.

While she was kissing me her hands moved to my hips; then they slid into my back pockets. I rested my arms on her shoulders and my hands brushed her hair as I intertwined my hands together.

After a few minutes the kissing tuned into a full on make out session. She softly licked my bottom lip and I granted her access, so she started exploring my mouth. After a while she picked me up and she moved closer to me. And my legs rested against her hips.

She started to squeeze my ass and moved her robotic hand under my shirt and rubbed my side. The metal was cold but left a tingling sensation where it touched.

Suddenly thing started to heat up. It started to feel like I was touching fire and when I opened my eyes a little I saw Yang was on fire. For a second she opened her eyes and they were blood red.

Holy shit.

She started to become more aggressive. I pulled away from the kiss and she immediately moved and started kissing and biting my neck. As soon as she started Emily came into my mind and I felt a tear slide down my cheek.

"Yang..." I tried to speak normally but ended up moaning her name. When I did that Yang squeezed my ass a bit harder and moved down lower on my neck. "Yang... Please stop." Her robotic hand started to slide higher up and she was a bit more aggressive on my neck with her kissing and biting it. "Yang please, I can do this. Not yet."

She stopped and looked at me and he eyes changed from red back to their normal purple. She looked shocked and dropped me.

When I fell I landed and it hurt my tail bone.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what got into me." She looked at the ground. "I'm so stupid" she whispered to herself.

I stood up and went over to her and made her look up at me. "Don't be sorry. I'm just not ready to do this. I just haven't moved fully past the shit Emily... I mean Emerald did to me. It has nothing to do with you."

She looked like she was going to cry at any minute.

"I promise it has nothing to do with my feelings for you. Its just I remembered all that she did to hurt me. I don't want my first time going that far with you to be covered with a memory of that bitch." I softly kissed her lips before I said. "That bitch has taken more from me than I would ever want. I don't want her to take over anything else, especially my first time with some one I love." The words flew out of my mouth before I realized what I had admitted.

"You love me?" She looked up at me and she seemed to be very hopeful.

"I do."

"We should get going back. My dad wants me to practice fighting with this new arm. I think that it is time I get better at using it." She moved her robotic arm like she was stretching.

"Well it worked pretty well at giving me chills when it was going up my side." I had tease a little.

"Hey don't let my dad see your neck." She started walking away and while laughing. "He will assume things happened and you won't believe how many jokes he can make, that is if he doesn't try to kill you."

"You didn't." I chased after her and placed my hand on my neck where she was kissing and biting me.

"Well I got a bit carried away." She stopped walking and turned to face me, "plus hearing you moan is a bit of a 'keep going' to my ears."

"I wasn't moaning that much..."

"You were moaning while we were kissing when I picked you up and ran my hand up your side." She ran her robotic hand to my side causing that tingling again and a small moan left my lips. "And when I moved to your neck they got even louder until you told me to stop." She started teasing me by making moaning noises.

"Shut up." I lightly pushed her and she pushed me back when she regained her balance.

"Yang!" Tai yelled as he came running down the path I immediately started acting like I was scratching my neck so he couldn't see the hickies Yang gave me. "I thought something happened to you when Zwei came running home."

"No, he kept running after small animals and he growled at Ancelote." Yang looked a bit nervous. "We should head home so we can practice using this arm." She tried to change the subject.

"Zwei only growls when he thinks there is danger."

I started to get nervous myself. I felt like I was sweating bullets.

"Well, he may have thought I was in danger because..." Yang looked away, "I wasn't exactly breathing."

He looked at me like he was confused. "Does she have a..."

"No!" Yang yelled and I started laughing. "Dad, have you never made out with anyone?"

"It looks like more than just making out." He grabbed my chin and looked at my neck.

I must have moved my hands when I was laughing.

"It didn't go farther than these, I swear." I put my hands in the air.

"Yea, come on we need to talk." He started to drag me off and I looked at Yang and she started to follow us. "Yang stay out here and wait for me."

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