Chapter 8

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Ancelote's POV

I sat up and Uriah was examining my arm while Arthur was crying and hugging me.

"What is going on?" I couldn't help but ask.

"It worked. My healing dust it worked." Uriah was excited and he went to his notebook and started to scribble in it.

Weiss went over to him and started to ask him questions.

"How long did this take you?"

"Well I started once I got this group. Because my partner is Ancelote so I need to help her right?" Uriah wasn't expecting Weiss to ask him that. "I noticed her aura was different and then later Arthur confirmed that it was different. I kinda wish he told us what exactly was different about it. But since she can't heal herself, she can use this now."

"This could help thousands of people who haven't activated or can't use their semblance. Would you be willing to help the Schnee dust company? I can promise you a cut of the profits made from your dust."

From what I gathered about Weiss's personality I could tell she wanted to use it for good, but I also knew her father, and he only cared about profit. Which I knew Uriah didn't like, he wanted to make a difference that actually help people. Not say he is helping  people while he's actually stealing money from people like Weiss's father.

"Well I... Don't really know if I trust the Schnee dust company, not that I don't trust you. You know how your father treated my kind. You are different from your father I can tell, but he has control over what would happen with this dust." He closed his notebook.

"I understand that but there are things I can do without my father knowing like getting dust in and out of the plants." She sounded very sneaky when she said that.

"What happened? Arthur, stop crying and talk to me please," I said as I pushed him off of me.

"You almost died this time. I told you it wasn't a good idea." Just then something snapped in him. "You should have listened. I am your leader in this school and commander outside of this school. You know I'm the reason your here, if I wasn't there you would be the same as I found you, but I wanted something better for you and I get repaid with disrespect."

"My life being at risk never stopped you from using my semblance during battles before. Hell, I went into that coma a almost five years ago, granted it only lasted for eleven months. But as soon a so could you sent me back into battles." I wasn't sure where all of this was coming from. It was like someone was talking for me and I couldn't stop it. "But this isn't ok because I made the call. I only listened to you because I owed you my life, I saved your life more than anyone can count. I no longer owe you. I stayed because you're my friend if you didn't get that you can just be my leader while we're in school."

Everyone was quiet after I stopped talking. Then I felt a sharp pain sting my face. He actually punched me. I could tell he meant to because of the look on his face. He was really pissed of by what I said.

"See I don't get you I've given you anything you could need and I don't know why you're being a prick..." He got up and started to walk toward his desk which was next to where Weiss and Ruby were now standing.

"You're the one that's a prick. You can't stand people not listening to you or defying you..." Weiss said as she stepped closer to him. Then he raised his hand to smack her.

I don't even remember moving but as his hand swung down I found myself in between them gripping his arm and his hand was and inch from coming in contact with her face.

"A man never strikes a woman." I wasn't in control. I was there but I wasn't the one controlling my actions or what I was saying. The other part of me was doing this and I could tell Arthur made them snap. "You can do anything you want to me, but raise a hand to anyone I will hurt you." My hand clenched tighter around his arm. I could see the pain in his eyes but he refused to show the pain in any other way. "Do you understand?"

"Yes..." His voice cracked as he agreed. I've never seen him this scared even when he had a white fang member hold a gun between his eyes. Something tells me this isn't the first time he's dealt with something like this. Hopefully of wasn't also me.

I let go of his arm and he stormed out of the room. I gained control of my body again and I fell to my knees and started to cry.

"What just happened?" Ruby asked standing shocked and she hugged Weiss who looked like she was about to freak out.

"Umm... I can't really explain. And Ancelote seems to need some rest or something." Uriah went and closed the door that Arthur left open when he stormed out.

"My semblance is pretty much protection and healing. But it is more like another person inside that breaks out to protect and heal people in need, but it only works on other people not myself. when it is activated I can't control what I do." I stayed on the ground but the tears slowed down.

"What does that mean for you?" Ruby seemed concerned.

"I can't protect or heal myself at all. I can only protect myself with my fighting strategies." I forced myself to stand up. "I'm not a bad fighter but I can't stop people attacking me when my semblance is activated unless they harm someone else."

"Do you want to explain why Arthur drew those circles and stuff on you with them here?" Quincy asked. I didn't see him in the room until now and I felt bad for it.

"Its up to them but we need to sit down its a bit of a story." I stood up and sat down on my bed.

Everyone sat down on a bed weather it was mine or Arthur's.

"Ok so my semblance wasn't always this way. My semblance was originally healing and I could use it freely. But I always had the same weakness. Being honorable. And it may or may not be why I'm like this now." I sat there looking at all of them as they all looked at me. "Ok well this is how it happened..."

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