Chapter 7

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Arthur's POV

"What are you doing?" I kinda shouted to Ancelote when I meant to whisper.

"We agree to tell them everything about what is going on. That means showing my semblance and show them we have to get into a fight you know this." She was talking to me like I was stupid.

I was getting upset. She wasn't only only defying my orders she was breaking school rules.

"We could just battle or something. Not go into the forest and fight Grimm." I made sure I whispered this time.

"So what are we exactly doing?" Uriah asked as he looked around.

"To understand everything you need to know my semblance. One of you draw a Grimm but don't fight no matter what."

"Is that why you told us to leave our weapons?" Uriah asked.

He was always one for questioning everything, and Quincy is the exact opposite. I'm thankful Quincy locked eyes with me before Uriah. Not that I don't like him he just talks too much for me and he doesn't like to do as he is told.

"Yes. One of you please draw a Grimm to attack." She said as she started breathe heavily.

Quincy whistled, which I didn't know he could make such a loud noise, and after a minute or so a Ursa came and started to attack us.

I could tell Ancelote was nervous. She hasn't used her semblance in about a year.

Every one did as they were told and didn't fight, but I'm assuming Ancelote's plan didn't involve the Ursa attacking her.  She dodged away from it and rolled next to Quincy.

"Hey! Come and get me you sad excuse of a Grimm!" Uriah yelled luring the Grimm to charge him.

As if on cue Ancelote calmed down and started to glow.  She had a golden glow. She also seemed like she was happy, but I knew this wasn't her, it was just her semblance.

I looked back at Uriah and she was there behind him right after the Ursa charged to attack him. As the Ursa got close to them a pair of golden wings spread out  and the Ursa crashed against the wings. The wings opened throwing the Ursa into a tree.  The tree cracked and was about to land on Quincy and I, we both jumped away to not get hit.  It looked like a branch hit Quincy's arm and a golden sphere immediately covered his arm healing him. He looked shocked and relieved by the sphere.

When I looked back at the Ursa I noticed Ancelote's semblance still had the wings out and with a twirl the wings decapitated the Ursa.

"I've never seen her do that before..." I said softly.

I noticed red flowing from her arm as the wings vanished.
A beowolf came out and  pounced for an attack. Her semblance was still active, but I knew it wouldn't work to protect her or heal her.

I ran and jumped at the beowolf as it was in mid air, it was enough to move it so it wouldn't hit her. She was looking at it and she was scared and her semblance activated itself to protect me and killed the beowolf when it tried to slashed my throat.

"We should go..." I apparently knocked the air out myself.

"I second that." Quincy said as he looked over at Uriah.

We looked over at Ancelote and she stepped forward to end up passing out. Thankfully I managed to catch her.

"How is that dust working out?" I asked Uriah.

"Well I might be able to get it to work if I can get a bit of fire dust."

"I know just the person, take her to our room and I'll meet you." I said as I passed Ancelote to Uriah and headed off to see team RWBY.

I quickly knocked on their door as loud and as fast as I could.

"Who could that be this..." Weiss opened the door and once she saw it was me she went to close the door.

"Wait Weiss. I need your help." I said as I put my foot in the door.

"What?" She sounded annoyed.

"I need some fire dust." The run started to their dorm started to take its affect on me.

"You can buy..."

"Damn it Weiss. There's no time. I can't wait that long or Ancelote will die..." I was at the point to where I would do anything to get the dust. "If you don't believe me come with me and you will see why."

"Ruby your coming with me." She said as she drug Ruby out of the room.

I made them run. I didn't want to risk losing Ancelote because of being to slow or Weiss wanting to question why I came to her.

"Oh my god..." Ruby gasped as we entered the room.

Quincy was holding her arm to stop the blood.  While Uriah was working at his desk with the dust.

I took the fire dust from Weiss and ran the dust to Uriah and he immediately measured it and add it to the mixture.

"What is the fire dust supposed to do?" Weiss asked as she observed Uriah. She seemed very interested in what he was doing with dust.

"I've managed to make a couple types of dust by using others like the force push dust is a special mixture of gravity and wind dusts. I've been working on a healing dust and if I'm correct this should heal her." He said as he collected the dust and put it into a vial then into his brass knuckles he uses for battle. At the same time Quincy moved away from Ancelote.

"Wait you don't know if it will work?" I said.

I was pissed he didn't brink it up but I should have known. I was mad at her for allowing this to happen and for all of them for refusing my orders.

"No. Let's hope for a miracle." He punched the air a centimeter above her arm and the dust expelled from his weapon.  He then stepped away and went to his notebook and wrote down the measurements for the dust he used.

We all waited in silence for a sign that she was healing. I found myself holding her hand and tried to radiate some of my semblance to her to help a bit in case it didn't work, but her semblance seemed to force mine away.

After after about four minutes she woke up and looked around. I was so excited I hugged her and I felt a couple tears escape my eyes.

This time I could have really lost you. Why do you have to do things like this. You'll get yourself killed if you keep doing stuff like this.

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