Chapter 14

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Weiss's POV

"I over heard a conversation Arthur was having with whom I believe to be his father." I looked at my hands to avoid starting at Ancelote who was only in a towel and she didn't seem to notice it was starting to slip a little bit.

"Ok. So what is it?" She sounded confused.

"Do you remember entering Atlas at all?" I wasn't sure why I was asking her that but I did and I couldn't take it back the question.

"Well sorta. I remember getting off at the docks and walking to the man who hired me, but I don't remember much else except for a beautiful indoor garden and..." She was silent and it looked like she was in deep thought as she tried to remember more. She aimed her head down at the ground and her midnight blue hair was her face until she ran her hand through her hair to show her face again.

"Do you remember being on a cliff, with Arthur?" She remained silent and I examined her reaction and she seemed like she was in pain. "I over heard that you..." I took a deep breath before I continued. "You fell of a cliff on your last day in Atlas."

Something in her changed when I said that. Her head shot up and she looked at me.

"Are you ok?" I asked as I reached my hand out and placed it on her still damp shoulder.

"I just remembered... I was with you in the garden, and we were talking." She sounded kinda sad.


"It really is beautiful." Ancelote said as we entered my family's garden.

"Well I'm seeing a lot of beautiful things right now." I said as I smiled at her, but she didn't notice.

"What is your favorite type of flower?" She asked as she looked around at the various plants we had around.

"I'll show you." I grabbed her hand and drug her all the way to the center of our garden. "Its this tiny one." I pointed to small light blue flower. "They don't grow very large in domesticated places, but they don't last as long in the woods where they grow because they are a popular for the special properties they contain."

"What are they called?" She kneeled down and smelt one of the small flowers that had already bloomed.

"Well they have many names, blue guardian, little angel, holy flower, and there are so many more names for it. But my favorite name for it is Animarum."

When I stepped closer to her and the flower, we heard the garden door open the close. She quickly jumped up as I tried to take a step back, but we ended up crashing into each other. The next thing I knew she had landed on top of me.

I couldn't help but to stare into her beautiful grey eyes. I felt like kissing her, it seemed like she wanted to as well. She was starring at my lips and back to my eyes. Then she seemed to start to lean in closer to me, but the mood got interrupted but Arthur yelling and pulling her off of me.

"Seriously?" He yelled as he practically threw Ancelote a few feet away from him and placing himself in the distance between us.

"Arthur its not..." I immediately started to explain things.

"Shut up Weiss! " he yelled at me, "you're supposed to be my friend." He was now yelling at Ancelote.

"I am your friend Arthur, you are misreading what is going on." Ancelote was calm but had a slight bit of irritation in her voice. She even looked a little irritated.

"Arthur, listen I fell and accidentally..." I wanted to try and get through to him but before I could finish he swung around and slapped me. I forced the tears to not leave my eyes and he just looked at me like he was shocked

"Oh my god I am so sorry Weiss," he said franticly but his face quickly changed and he faced Ancelote again. "You know if you hadn't been getting all friendly with my girl none of this would happen."

With in what seemed like seconds Ancelote punched Arthur and said, "listen to me Arthur. Nothing is happening between us. You need to get that through your head. I maybe gay and in love with her, but..."

Arthur cut her off by smacking her. And it sounded like it hurt a lot, it even left a bright red hand mark on her cheek.

"Weiss, I need you to head back into the manor." She said calmly as she glanced over at me

I felt like protesting but I knew it wouldn't be any good to fight her words. I nodded my head softly before leaving them alone.

"I can't believe you..." Their voices faded the farther away I went. Eventually the tears I had in my eyes started to spill.

*end flashback*

"I didn't know you were in love with me until you and Arthur were fighting." I laughed a little as her head perked up. "If I had known I wouldn't have been with Arthur."

"I don't understand what you are saying." She looked confused and looked up at me.

"I was just a needy teenager, but I loved you back then. You dolt."

"Why? I mean I'm not great, I never was." She looked like she was about to cry, so I made her look at me.

"You are amazing, you are a strong fighter and you always put other people first. I've seen you handle your sword while being out numbered by Grimm. The elegance you have when you fight yet its of your own style and breaks all rules of formal battles." I caught myself rambling on. "I was 12 and you were 13 close to being 14, I didn't actually realize the kind of love I had for you at the time, but I loved you because you were different, and I now know it is because you have a free spirit yet you are currently locking it away in a cage because of what ever is going on inside you."

"Is that what you love about Ruby?" She stopped focusing on herself and changed the topic.

"Ruby, she is... She is something. She changed me, and made me a warmer person, you changed me a bit but I think I was meant to help her, like she has helped me. I wasn't the right person to help you, I may have made you happy for a bit and I probably hurt you at the same time."

"I can tell Ruby makes you happy, and I know I wouldn't have ever made you as happy as she does." She smiled at me and I could tell her smile was genuine, but there was a hint of loneliness in her voice.

Then I looked at my watch and saw that I had about an hour until I had to get to class. "Hey I need to take a shower, I need to eat also before I head to class."

"It fine. Have fun." She turned around and I saw she had a tattoo on her back. It looked irritated like it was fresh.

Maybe she is the tattoo type. Hmm Yang will think that's cool.

"Hey we are going to continue this later. I just can't ruin my perfect attendance and I can't be late."

She started to get dressed and I left her there alone.

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