Chapter 21

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Ancelote's POV

I was hiding in a pillow fort, that I helped Lavender make, while she searched for me wielding a foam sword.

"I'm gonna find you mommy bandit."

"Have fun trying," I said loudly, and then on the other side of the pillows I heard her innocent giggling.

She bursted through the pillow wall and landed on me and acted like she had stabbed me with her foam sword.

"Oh know the great hero knight has caught and stabbed me. I am slain." I said as sat up and fell over into the pile of pillows.

"Mommy I can't reach the princess I'm saving." I looked up and I saw she w as trying to reach a small old bear on a book shelf.

"I'll help you angel."

I went to reach for the bear but she stopped me and said, "No Mommy I'm suppose to save her. Pick me up so I can reach her please."

I quickly gave in and scooped her up. I lifted her high enough so she could reach the bear. She squealed as I put her down and she ran and hid in what was left of the rest of the pillow fort.

"Come find me Mommy."

I acted like I was having a hard time finding her for a few minutes and when ever I'd get close and look into the wrong space she would start to giggle. And her giggles were enough to met my heart. Eventually I gave in and actually found her and I laid down in the fort next to her.

"Mommy, have you ever saved a princess?"  She asked as she held the bear up.

"Well some people would call her a princess, but she really is an heiress, which is pretty much the exact same thing as a princess for her family."

"How did you save her?" She looked at me like she was being told the meaning of life.



I was watching Weiss in the market and I was standing off to the side where I was watching her but she still had her space.

"Ancelote?" She asked me to come over so I did. "Does this look pretty?" She held out a silver necklace that had a white crystal on it.

"It looks beautiful. Especially on you. But you make anything look better." I said before laughing a bit out of nervousness.

"I shall buy it then." She paid the lady that was selling the necklace and we started back toward the car.

Our driver waited outside the car for us and  as soon as she entered the car I headed over to the other side. Before I could get in the car took of and our driver fell to the ground.

"Great," I whispered to myself. I looked over and who ever stole the car with Weiss still in it left their motorcycle with the keys in the ignition.

I quickly got on to  the motorcycle and bolted after the car. It barely took anytime at all to catch up with the car and I saw  the driver was talking to someone and Weiss appeared to be knocked out in the back.

The guy noticed me following him and tried to speed up, and when that didn't work he rammed into the side of the motorcycle and hurt my leg. After I healed my leg up a bit I got right next to the guy again, but this time when he tried to ram into me I jumped off of the motorcycle and landed on top of the car.

He appeared to notice because he sped up and slammed onto the breaks trying to throw me off of the car. To prevent for getting thrown I dug my sword into the room of the car.

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