Chapter 24

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Ancelote's POV


I opened my eyes and I found myself in a painfully bright room. I tried to sit up but my head started to go fuzzy. Then a pair of gentle hands softly pushed me back down.

"Take it easy. You've lost a bit of blood and the poison is mostly out of your body according to the nurses." I looked over and saw a girl with blonde hair and what appeared to be dyed on pink tips and baby blue eyes. There was also a guy sitting next to her with the same blue eyes but he had brown hair.

"Poison?" My mouth was really dry and had a weird taste that reminded me of broccoli. Yuck.

"We found you dying in the street, so we brought you here." The guy said as he stood up, "I'll come and check in on you later, I have to get to work. Sis are you staying or do you want a ride home?"

"Do you want me to stay or leave?" She asked as she rested her hand on mine.

I was going to ask her to leave but there was this look in her eye as she looked at me. "Stay." I mumbled out.

"I'll walk home later, have fun at work." She smiled at him.

He glanced over at me with a longing look then to his sister and smiled and let out a sad sigh before turning around and leaving.

"Do you need anything?" She asked me with a kind smile.

"Water?" She smiled and handed me a cup with a little bit of water and she helped me sit up a little bit. "Thank you."

"I'm Emily," she said as I drank the water. "My brother is Aaron."

I moved the cup from my lips and smiled at her. "Ancelote. So how long have I been here?"

"About 10 hours so far. The doctor said if everything checks out you can be out by Monday."

*end flashback*

I was playing some card game with Emily when the doctor came in.

"Miss Lum may I talk to you in private, please." He was more of telling Emily to leave instead of asking.

"Ok yea sure." She set the cards down and looked at me. "You better not look at my cards."

I couldn't help but laugh as she walked out of the room.

"I have a few questions for you and depending on how you answer you can leave with in the hour." He looked at my stats and screenings.

"Ok go a head."

"Well I'd like to ask you a few things, like about your aura, and why I had to get your documents from a non medical and government source and why pieces are missing." He started looking at me before he sat down in a chair. "First I'll start with your aura. What your aura is was stated but the documents left out vital information like how your aura drains itself and starts healing those who are near by and hurt. Why was that left out? And does it affect how you heal?"

"Yes, it was left out because it use to affect me. Before I'd still be out cold, but now I'm feeling better and more alive." I adjusted how I was sitting on the bed.

"OK well what about the source of your records?" He was taking notes, and then he started looking through some documents.

"That would be the company owned by the Barloc family."

"Why is that?"

"They work with the government but are their own private company, and I work for them. I have since I was 12. And they claimed responsibility for me and saved me from my father."

"Ok, well why are they withholding documents from us?"

"There are things that are classified..."

"Like the fact you have had a child, if by my calculations it was while you were in a documented coma where the cause was purposely removed?"

"Yea, I didn't find out about that until recently. She's a sweet heart."

"Why was that hidden?" He stopped taking notes and looked up at me with concern.

"I don't really want to talk about it. Its kinda personal." I looked away from him and looked at the door.

"So there are a lot of wounds documented but then there are things that are written down but a black marker was used to block out the writing."

"A lot of things are classified and some I don't even know about. I wish I could say more..."

"Well there is only one other thing I have to ask you. But I don't know how you will react."

"It can't be the worst thing that's happened this week."

"Well, I was wondering if you were informed of your father's death?" My head shot over to look at him.

"My father is dead?"

"I'm afraid so, he died five months ago. And a lawyer is going to come in soon and talk to you about his will." He looked sympathetic but I knew he was just doing his job.

"Can you have him meet me at Beacon?"

"He should be here with in 10 minutes."

"Do I have to be alone to talk to him?"

"Well it is legal business so only those in the will are allowed to be present other than the designated lawyer." A really kind looking woman entered the room. "Sorry I'm a bit early."

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