Chapter 39

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Ancelote's POV

For the beginning of the night I was placed in charge of checking all of the guest as they entered the Schnee manor. It was going well I guess so far no one had been  a threat or brought anything that could cause harm.

After about an hour of people passing by me and not setting off the machine. A man ran past everyone and through the machine causing red lights to start flashing.

"I got this. Make sure no one moves." I yelled to the men working with me.

I quickly took off after the man as I drew my sword.

"Freeze!" I yelled as I got closer to the man. "Stop or I'll be forced to use force too stop you!"

After a couple more minutes I threw my shield at the man and knocked him over. I quickly kicked his side and placed the edge of my sword to his neck.

"It doesn't take much force to behead people you know." I said as I put my foot on his back.

He tried to get up and I shoved my foot against his back even harder. "Agh..." The guy grunted.

"Hey I warned you."

I reached down and forced his arms behind his back and placed restraints on him. "Now get up." I pulled the guy to his feet and leaned him to the wall and started to pat him down. I found a gun strapped to his leg and a knife in his waist band wrapped in a cloth. When I pulled the knife out of the cloth I noticed a black residue on the knife and the cloth.

"Who was your target?" I asked as I wrapped the knife back up and placed it in a evidence bag, then I unloaded the gun and placed it in a bag. When I was finished the guy still hadn't answered me, so I grabbed his neck and shoved him back against the wall. "Maybe you didn't hear me. I asked you a question. Who was your target?" I yelled at him. I started to pinch the nerve in his neck.

"Weiss Schnee's body guard." He pleaded out for me to stop as soon as he told me. "I wasn't told their name just they are keeping an eye on that spoiled brat, and that they are a threat to the plans."

"One more thing." I raised his sleeves to see if he had any noticeable markings. "What are the plans?"

"I don't know. You think they would tell me their plans? I'm just here to take care of who they tell me."

I finished patting him down and I found what looked like a smoke bomb but I wasn't going to risk finding out what it was exactly. I double checked to make sure he didn't have anything.

"Are you done feeling me up?" He asked me as he laughed.

I drug him to Ironwood who quickly had his men escort him to the prison he was going to be staying in.

Ironwood relieved me from working on checking people and to protecting Weiss.

"So what did he tell you?" He asked as we walked to Weiss's room.

"His target is Weiss's body guard. On normal circumstances I would say their name, but with the people I think he works for I think they sent more than one person and they don't know who her body guard is apparently." I said as I handed over the evidence. "The knife has something on it and I'm sure it is poison."

"I'm glad you told me. Keep an eye out." He said before patting my shoulder. "I'll have some people keep an eye out too. So you won't be alone if they go after Weiss's body guard." He started to walk away when he stopped and said, "Take her to the auditorium when she is done getting ready."

"Yes sir." He left and I knocked on Weiss's door.

"Go away!" She yelled from inside.

"Weiss its me. Ancelote." I said so only she could hear.

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