Chapter 36

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Ancelote's POV

"Mommy... I'm scared..." Lavender called out to me.

"Just close you eyes little angel. It will all be ok." I said softly to her.

"Wow you haven't even asked for Arthur." Mercury laughed.

"You said this was his idea. Why would I care about him if he is willing to risk the life of my daughter." The next thing I knew I felt a blade pierce my side.

"You should because I will be what ends your life." Arthur whispered into my ear as he pulled the blade out.

I didn't even take a second to rethink because I head butted Arthur in the nose and he stumbled back. And just as he stumbled back I hooked my foot around his ankle causing him to fall out of the ship and fall to his death.

"Wow that was cold. Even for me." Mercury laughed as he moved his knife away from Lavender.

"Have you ever been told you don't mess with a mamma bears cub unless you want to get hurt?" Mercury just laughed. "This mamma bear is angry enough to take out all of Remnant."

Emerald seemed to be concerned but Mercury walked over to me and punched me in the jaw. I went to swing back but I found myself unable to move.

"That knife you were just stabbed with. Well before you killed Arthur and he took it with him. It was dipped in a special toxin. Do you know what it does." He turned around and walked back over to Lavender. "Well it paralyzes you, how long? I have no clue."

I looked over at Lavender and she didn't have her eyes closed anymore and she whipped her tears off on my jacket that was swallowing her while she hugged the dragon.

Out of no where there was a blinding flash of light and I heard yelling.

When the light cleared out I heard Mercury say, "Fuck. We need to get Cinder and go."

"Fine. Get rid of Ancelote but you know Cinder wants the girl, there is something she wants the girl for." Emerald looked over at me and winked. "Don't worry we'll take care of her."

"I'll find you Lavender even if I have to travel all of Remnant." I managed to get out before I was thrown off of the ship.

"Mommy!!" I heard Lavender yell before seeing her dragon fall after me.

I closed my eyes and I knew I was going to feel a lot of pain but I guess I got lucky because I landed on top of a pile of flowers. It also didn't take long for the dragon to land next to me.

"I'll find you..." I managed to mumble out before I blacked out.

I was sitting at a table and I could heard the sound of children playing around me. I looked down and I saw that I was pregnant.

"What?" I looked up and there was a woman standing next to me wearing an apron. "Is something wrong Ancelote?"

"What's going on?" I looked around and we were in a small house but not like a shack but more like a house for a small family. I looked over and saw children playing on the couch. "Where is Lavender?" I slowly stood up.

"Lavender? Who's Lavender?" The woman asked me. She looked at me like I had betrayed her.

"My daughter. I have to find her." I started to feel panicked.

"You don't have a daughter named Lavender. You have two sons." She grabbed my hand and pointed at the children on the couch. One of them had blonde hair and golden eyes and the other has jet black hair and crystal blue eyes. "Uriah and Quincy. Then you have another son on the way. We already picked a name for him."

"Which is?" I was honestly very confused and I walked to a room that turned out to be a bathroom.

I looked in the mirror and I didn't see myself in the mirror. There was a woman with long blue hair wearing a soft yellow dress and makeup.  I looked for the markings I had but I couldn't find anything not even the small scar I had on my bicep.

"Did you already forget we decided on Arthur?" The woman laughed. "You really have a bad memory this time."

I followed her out of the bathroom and I saw one of the boys playing with a purple toy dragon. I quickly identified it as the one Lavender had lost when I fell out of the ship.

"Ancelote honey what's wrong?" The woman came up and hugged me.

"This isn't right." I started to cry.  I use to wish I could have happy life like this and just not have to worry but this isn't right. "This isn't my life." I had a job to do and I need to save my daughter.

"Of course its your life. Your living it." The woman looked at me and smiled.

"But I'm not. I want to, but I can't. My happiness is out there in danger and I have to save her." I walked over to a door.

"Who do you think you are?  You think you can go to go save people?" A man came into the room and he looked like my father. "You can't even last a day without help. What makes you think you can go and save a little girl?"

"I know I can because I am the great protector of men. And to my daughter I am the best hero knight ever and I will save her even if I die doing so." I opened the door and there was nothing but darkness.

"If you leave you won't have this life." The woman said.

"Or this happy ending." The boys said at the exact same time.

"That ok I'll make my own happy ending." I looked down at myself and I was in my battle gear and I had my sword and shield and I was no longer pregnant. "I will find my daughter." I stepped through the door and closed my eyes.

When I opened my eyes I looked around and I was in the middle of a Forever Fall forest and I was in a patch of Flores Animarum.

"I guess you guide ones soul or some shit." I whispered.

Then I saw the tiny purple dragon and picked it up. I placed it in my armor close to my heart. It was a tight fit but I knew it wouldn't fall out. I adjusted my shield and picked up my sword.

"First I've got to get back to Beacon." I whispered to myself before running toward the sound of gun fire. When I got back I was shocked by what I saw. Jaune crying and being held back by blonde monkey boy, Ren and Nora in pain Yang missing an arm, and Blake bandaged up around her waist. Then I looked over and I saw Weiss crying over a passed out Ruby who looked like if she took any damage she would die on the spot. There were hurt people everywhere.

"Ancelote..." Weiss ran over to me and hugged me."Wait. where is..."

"Arthur is dead, I know you weren't asking about him. Lavender... They took her. They paralyzed me and took my daughter." I started to cry.

"We need a doctor over here!" Weiss placed her hand on my side and started to add pressure. "What happened?"

"Arthur stabbed me. And I shoved him out of the ship and he fell to his death. You can probably find him." I was crying and I didn't care about what had happened to me.

"Why didn't you heal yourself?" She asked "I know you can do that."

"My aura was used up to fly up to them and fight off the paralyzing toxins." I stayed standing. And a medic came over and took care of my wound.

"Look James we need to keep looking for clues on how to find them so go back and do research I'll send word to you if I learn any more here" I over heard Glynda Goodwitch talking to the head of the Atlas military.

"Hey Weiss do you think your father will have a need for human security guards?" I asked her as we walked over to Ruby.

"I don't know. And right now I honestly think he should consider getting rid of those robots." She picked up Ruby and took her onto the ship.

I pulled out my now cracked scroll and I saw I had a message.

'Did you find her?' It was from Mr Barloc.

'Where are you? I need to talk to you.'

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