Chapter 19

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Ancelote's POV

After I was done hanging out with team RWBY I went back and picked up the suit Yang helped me pick out. And I tired it on and it felt pretty comfortable but when I looked in the mirror I resaw a glimpse of what Arthur did to me and I quickly turned away. So I trusted what the few employees that saw me said about it looking good on me. After I changed out of the suit I looked around and I bought a pair of black dress shoes and a matching belt to wear with the suit.

I carried my stuff back to my dorm and I saw Uriah just sitting at his desk making more of the healing dust and Quincy appeared to be drawing something. I looked over at Arthur's bed and sure enough he was there sleeping. I froze in my place and just stared, I wasn't able to look away from him.

"Yea he just showed up and passed out. Before he mumbles something about his father coming early." Uriah said as he snapped me back to reality. "So what did you get while you were out on girls day?" He asked as if he knew something was wrong and he wanted to distract me.

"We went shopping for what we were going to wear. And went to get coffee," I said as I finally was able force myself to move I want and hung up the suit and kept it in its special bag so nothing would get on it until I put it on tomorrow.

"Can I see what you chose?" He asked sounding really interested.

"You'll have to wait until tomorrow night." I said as I step in the distance between him and the suit.

He pouted and then I looked past him and caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror on Uriah's desk and saw that memory again.

"I've got to go, promise me you won't let anyone look at what I'm wearing including yourself." I said as I quickly looked away from the mirror.

"Yea. Ok sure." He sounded concerned.

I quickly left the room and before I knew it I heard someone call my name. I turned around to find Arthur behind me. And I couldn't help but back away from him.

"Ancelote. I'm sorry. For everything I've done." He seemed genuinely upset.

"Why didn't you tell me what you did to me?" That was all my mouth would allow me to respond to what he said to me.

"I don't know what you mean?" He seemed surprised by what I said.

"If I had just been told about it I would have been able to move past it and I would be different and I wouldn't be as scared of you as I am." I felt tears starting to gather in my eyes. "I wouldn't be freaked out by remembering and not able to look in the mirror and not have the shit scared out of me because all I can see is what you did to me."

"What did you remember?" He looked down at the ground and stepped closer.

"What happened before I jumped off the cliff..." I couldn't bring the words to my lips of what he did. I hadn't told anyone because I couldn't say aloud that he raped me and I was too scared he get angry or something.

"I was wrong for that. And I've beat myself up for it for over four years. After I did that to you, you tried to kill yourself and you gave yourself a brain injury and you had a memory problem. You still are missing a big portion of them." He looked at me and I could see he had tears in you eyes.

"Why didn't you just tell me?" Some of my tears started to escape my eyes and I found myself growing angry with him.

"I wanted to. You went into a coma for about eleven months, and when you came through I was given orders not to, to protect my family name." I couldn't believe what he was telling me it was different from how he acts.

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