Chapter 46

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Ancelote's POV

I was sitting on the couch while Tai paced back and forth on the other end of the coffee table. I was really nervous, I wasn't sure what he was thinking or how he was reacting to this.

"Look I know I asked about what you guys where to each other, but that was partially a joke I thought you guys were just really close friends considering what you guys have been through." He finally spoke. "But going out and hooking up in the woods?"

"Sir, it..." I squeaked out before he cut me off.

"I don't care who she is interested in. She could fall in love with a bear faunus if she wanted to."

Him mentioning a bear faunus made my head hurt at the memory of how everything started with my life turning to hell.

"Right now isn't a good time for her to falling in love she doesn't have her head on straight." He leaned against the wall and sighed. "This has been hard for her, just getting over everything that has been going on."

"I know what your saying I'm the same way." I finally could say something without getting cut off.

"That's the problem. What if she falls head over heals and when you get past this you realize you were just trying to replace your pain with sexual desire or what you think is love. I can't have her heart getting torn out."

"I know your concerned sir, but I don't plan on hurting Yang." I adjusted how I was sitting to where I was barely on the couch. "Sir we didn't lie to you when we say it didn't go farther than these hickies."

He looked like he was examining me to find any hint of a lie.

"I stopped it before anything happened. I couldn't do a thing like that with anyone especially Yang with my state of mind. I worry that one of us would fall in love while the other realised they just wanted to, but..." I paused and looked out the window where I saw Yang playing with Zwei, I sighed before I said, "but I don't think I'll be the one breaking a heart."

Tai didn't seem to know how to react to what I was saying.

"If you talked to me before I met Yang I probably would have shown you respect, but I would have actually slept with her. A lot has happened in these past months since I crashed and fell for Yang. My memories I lost have been slowly coming back and its made me a better person. I've always been a broken human being but fighting and sleeping with people were things that made me feel better about myself. But now I can't even believe I use to be that way."

I wasn't sure why I was telling him all this and I could tell he wasn't sure why I was either.

"I'm saying too much. What I'm getting at is I wouldn't ever do anything to hurt your daughter at least not intentionally. I know you are concerned about her, I'm scared to hell about mine. I love and care a lot about your daughter, but I can't focus the love she deserves when I can't stay long because of work and gathering information on the bastards that took my daughter."

"So you're saying I don't have to worry right now?" He looked at me suspiciously. "I'm still gonna keep my eye on you. If you hurt her I will figure out a way to hunt you down. Even if its me holding you down while I let Zwei attack you with slobbery kisses." He tried to keep a serious face but started laughing.

"Hey sorry, I really have to use the restroom. Can I come inside now?" Yang opened the door and Zwei came running past her and sat on the couch next to me.

"Go right a head sweetheart." Tai stopped leaning against the wall as he looked at his daughter.

"Your daughter asked me if we were a couple and I told her I cant right now because I'm not ready to get into another relationship right now." I stood up and stretched. "Do you care if I head into town?"

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